So I thought I should chime in a bit here.
I am very much for trying to keep elemental themes preserved, but I would like to note here that across the board we see that elements will occasionally borrow mechanics that seem to lie in the domain of other elements.
Poison mechanic, for instance, is one of the largest cases of this. While it is strongly tied to

that doesn't mean it is exclusive to death. We see it in a large number of other elements. Death is just the best at it.
Healing is another mechanic that is seen in many different elements. While


lay strongest thematic claim to it, it is also seen in


(AM) and

(via the specialized drain / vampire mechanic)
So ANY element can borrow a mechanic from ANY other element as long as
1) it can be thematically justified (thorns shield dealing poison damage for instance)
2) It doesn't outshine the element that the mechanic actually belongs in.
3) (preferable but not absolute requirement) it provides a twist to the mechanic that helps it fit in the new element
4) (optional but often a good idea) it somehow requires quanta or cards from the host element (e.g. chrysaora)
Perhaps the strongest example is Seraph's divine protection ability. Until this card came around, immaterial was solely in the domain of aether. This card brings it into both the


element. Yet it is a brilliantly executed example because:
1) there is strong thematic justification (divine intervention / protection for an avenging angel)
2) It doesn't outshine the protection found in aether (it has to be applied every turn and the angel is vulnerable its first turn)
3) It provides a unique twist (see 2)
So on to this card... I kinda like the thematics, and I can see how it fits but I think it needs some work.
Firstly, I would say drain mechanic is very strongly tied to

and as of yet it is seen in no other element. That doesn't mean it can't be put into a card of another element, but you have to keep the implementation low key so that it doesn't outshine the

cards that are supposed to have "thematic dibs" on it
In this case, you are providing a mass CC drain... That is going to be an extremely potent source of drain damage and will, in many cases, outstrip most

cards in terms of power. For this reason, I don't like this card not having a tie into the dark element.
Lastly, while you do provide a small twist, I don't think making it mass CC alone really fits well... For instance, why is a single seed affecting every enemy creature? If it just popped onto a single creature and acted like a drain poison (especially if it, say, caused a plant to pop out or something when the victim dies) I could get behind that. But a mass CC version is a stretch.