Alright, this is a horribly unfinished and unbalanced idea that I want to share to see the community's thoughts on it. Yay
This was inspired by seeing Sponge (by Eaglegenes IIRC) and Cloud (by Zblader) in the Link Crucible Candidates thread.
Warm Seas
5 Water | 4 Water
Evaporate: Generate a Cloud Spirit. May make a Nimbus Spirit instead
Cloud Spirit
2 Water | 2 Water
1 | 7
When Evaporate is used, gain +0 | +1
Downpour (sacrifice): Generate
equal to HP
Nimbus Spirit
3 Water | 3 Water
3 | 3
When Evaporate is used, gain +1 | -1
On death, deal 1 damage per 3 attack to all enemy creatures