napalm the idea can be good but u need to clearfy this this sounds more like a tourny idea are there teams
how many people can be on a team
how big can the decks bee
how long will people have to play matches
is there a scoring system and how is it set up
This is all stuff that needs to be worked out. Like I said, that's just the basis. I don't know what other appropriate rules would need to be added to make it an actual event.
A few things for sure.
I hadn't envisioned this as a Tourney, as Marisa was strictly opposed to it. But I guess it's an option. It will be an individual style event; No teams. Aside from the 50% and no upgrades rule, there are no limitations to deck building. I prefer the freedom. Long enough. Possibly even a week for each round. Silly question, of course there is a scoring system. But when I figure it out, I'll let you know (a CotO style scoring system would work perfectly fine for this I think)
Sounds nifty
Will this be a speed-building event (i.e. build decks #2-5 on the spot)? o:
@DL -- It sounds like it will be an individual tournament (probably a standard bracket like double elimination)
While making this a speed building event would be fun, It might limit the prospective players. Some of our newer members may need a little grinding time to build a legal deck from an element they don't normally play. Although this is probably something the player should consider before joining.
We really have two options here, a long drawn out event giving plenty of time to build decks between matches, or a speedbuilding event where penalties are received for leaving in the middle of you match set. Due to real life being more important than a silly little game (yes, even Elements is a silly little game), I favor the first option.
Either way, I would strongly recommend that anybody participating would have nearly a full set of the unupped cards.