Trio Test Trip - Rules
Welcome to Trio Test Trip. You should be playing more trios. Can you manage to be the last standing player?
1. HOW TO SIGN UP?Everybody can sign up, as long as they have a Forum account and an Elements The Game account, just post in the sign up thread.
After your sign-up post you have to send 8 triplets of elements via PM to the organizer.
Triplets must be built so that every element appears at least 2 and no more than 2 times. These will be the elements you will use to build trios in each of your battles, 1 per round. The order is very important. Here's an example of a
WRONG triplet list, with the reasons each line is good/not good. It contains one of each possible error.

<---- This is good. Three different elements

<---- This is no good. The three elements are not different.

<---- Well... if you like building

trios there's nothing wrong, but you're not forced to put the same elements together twice.

<---- Still good

<---- Good

<---- Underworld and Rainbow are not elements

<---- Good

<---- This is the third time death appears. Not good
2. THE FIRST ELIMINATIONYou're going to be pitted against 3 opponents. Players who face each other will face the same opponents as long as the number of players allows it.
All 3 rounds will be posted at the same time, and it isn't necessary to play them in order. But round 3 is round 3, even if it is the first match you play.
3. THE FIRST BATTLES!Build decks of any size, but it must respond to the following rules:- You must use all the elements you have selected for the round, and only them.
- Every element you play in your deck's cards must have a minimum total cost of 11, and must be playable.
- There must be at least 4 cards per element.
- You may use other cards, but their costs summed up must be at most 3.
4. PLAYING THE MATCHES!- Each match is best of 3, which means the winner will be the first to win 2 single duels.
- You may change deck between duels.
- Standard Desync Rules apply [insert link to standard desync rules here]
It's a good idea to take screenshots as proof in case something like a desync error or a timeout happens. Remember, a player who gets caught cheating, will be permanently banned from all Elements community PvP events, so please play fair.
5. ADVANCINGThe best 8 players will advance, based on the numbers of single duels won,
They will then be seeded in two groups.
KRACH Ratings will be used for tiebreakers, courtesy of RootRanger
Group 1 | Group 2 |
Seed 1 | Seed 2 |
Seed 4 | Seed 3 |
Seed 5 | Seed 6 |
Seed 8 | Seed 7 |
6. THE GROUPS AND THE FINALSFinals will happen in 2 phases. In phase 1, groups, the players will be sorted in the groups above based on their Round 1 to 3 scores.
Group matches will be played as Rounds 4 to 6. The order of the rounds is still important. In case of a tie, the best seeded player will advance.
After every match in the group is done, phase 2, post-groups, will start and the best 2 players from each group will advance, and will use their R7/R8 triplets to face the winners of the other group. The player with the highest score (seed acts as a tiebreaker) will be crowned winner of the event.
In the group phase, players will earn a point for every duel won. In the final matches, players will earn 1.5 points per duel won, that will be summed to their first phase scores. This means, every phase of the finals (groups and post-groups) gives potentially the same amount of points (6)
7. REWARDSThe winner of the event will receive this amazing forum award icon: