I like the concept. I have a couple of comments.
Thanks. You've made some really good points too, some of them are a few I have overlooked in the past
Rushes Vs. Stalls kind of kills the theme because it uses gaming slang. Why not use the Rabbits vs. Tortoises like you picture there suggests?
The picture reminded me most of the event so I chose it.
I like the Rabbits vs. Tortises idea better than Stalls vs. Rushes though. It's a bit comical and will catch more peoples' eyes. I got so used to the gaming slang that I used it here without a second thought.
Forcing "Rabbits" to use a 30 card deck, and "Tortoises" a 45+ card deck sounds more logical to me. With your current rules one could have 40 cards, while the other 41. They are too close to each other imo.
I developed those rules roughly when I first came up with the event. I had to draw the line somewhere, and that's where I drew it.
I feel that 30 card rush decks are a bit limiting. So i put the max on them up a bit. But now I'm not so sure.
I agree with RootRanger. Currently the only difference between Rush and a Stall is deck size. It would probably make more sense to have some other limitations as well, like banning Rush from using Shields, and Stall from using Weapons. Unless you do something like that, the event might as well be called Big vs. Small.
You have a point here. Rather than having fast decks vs. Slow decks, i was basically making it big decks vs small decks. The card limitations were a bit complex for such a simple event. I felt that it'd make the rules overcomplicated. But if its that few limitations, then I'm all for it.
What RootRanger was originally suggesting was to have every card be labeled as a stall card or a rush card. Lowering it to only a select few cards being labeled will make it less restrictive and simpler.
I'm interested in this upped cards rule you have. Why make it so complex? Why not just a simple "6 upped cards max"?
TBH, I just pulled those rules out of thin air. I'm beginning to take a liking to them, however, as it puts more between a stall and a rush than simple deck size.
It complicates the event a bit, but it makes for better strategical planning. It sort of pushes away new players, though, since most PvP events have a 6 upped card max, and this one 12. But it's not written in stone or anything, so I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.