I had that in mind while building that idea.
Problem would be that traitors usually get guessed correctly in round 3 or so. So they would hardly ever get to the last round.
I'll think about it, hopefully I get a idea which also works good for my Traitors! - eventidea =)
New Idea: Burglary.
Each player will have in the beginning 30 Quanta of each element.
Deckbuilding: Everything allowed! Except buggy cards.
When you win, you steal opponents Quanta, every card in your Deck decides which Quanta is stolen. (so a mono aether, 30 cards deck steals 30
while a 20 card aether 30 card fire duo steals 20
and 30
.) "Other" cards don't steal anything.
If you don't have any Quanta of an element left and you get that quanta stolen, you lose twice that ammount of any quanta of your choice. Opponent doesn't get anything from it.
Now, there are a few Policemen on the run. They seemingly join the Event like everyone else, but they don't have any Quanta.
When you get beaten by the police, you lose twice the ammount of Quanta. Police doesn't get anything.
If you win against the Police, you don't get anything and also don't lose anything.
If you are sure, or suspect someone to be a Police, you may decline the duell. If it was a police, you lose 15 Quanta of your choice, if the was a normal Player, you lose 30 Quanta. (You decline by PM'ing the organizer. If both players decline, both lose 30 Quanta. If you decline and duell anyway, you still lose the penalty for declining)
Your Quanta is not visible to everyone. You may ask your opponent to see his Quanta, but then you have to battle and may not decline anymore.
If a fight doesn't happen, the penalty will be twice as high as if it was declined. Except if you showed to be clearly more active than your opponent in finding a appropriate time to battle. They only your opponent gets the penalty.
Winner is the player who has most Quanta in the end in the end AND the Policemen who destroyed most Quanta (declined fights also count as 15)