Many people know the frustration of spending several days cooking up a deck (or two or three) for an event, only to get knocked out in round 1. I propose an event that aims to help some of them regain a measure of their dignity... and maybe even a tiny, tiny prize. Dignity works too, though.
A monthly tournament, open only to big losers. Qualifications? Post a link to at least two "he lost, I won" posts from this month's tournaments showing that you were knocked out in round 1. Pretty easy to disprove... if there's any post prior to the one linked which shows a win, you're disqualified. This method also handily includes people who got a "bye" but got crushed in their first actual match.
The event could have its own deckbuilding rules, or better yet give you a second chance to use decks that you built (and got very little chance to play with) in recent tourneys.