Why would I specifically grind on a whole separate account when I can grind on my main?
@Speilkind you are probably correct that I cannot speak for the whole community (there probably is someone who'd like this event), but I am merely stating my opinion that I do not like this type of event and why I am against it. As of now, I have yet to see someone who is very enthusiastic about this.
@fruballdn (

): thats your right, but i never said you have not to. i hate it too, never will participate in those events, but in any case we all use time to win events! is it for testing decks, thinking about strategys or something like that... each player will spend time to win matches, more so better. and here its the event "The Grind" and as you often said, grinding is not fun and not skillbased, its only for them they have time to grind (and for them its fun i guess). its the events name and so it should have to do something with grinding 8) we have enough events with good rules waiting for coming, so why not a event for those who will grind and grind and grind?!