deck buildingYou will be on 2 teams of 16 so team 1 will use any element with


Team 2 will use any element with

( besides

matchesYou have 5 days to do a match. Matches are best out of 3 first player to win twice won.
If you didn't play a match you both get a loss.Till further notice
Rules rules32 people may join.(if someone is gone you may take their spot)
cheating you will be removed from PVP and PVE events
If a sigh up topic is locked or over it is not going or is going but you missed and wait till is restarts
Special rules If a dencny (sorry about the spelling) happens a screen shot is will lose if there is no screen shot.(both of you)
Who can join?Anyone with a forums, and chat account may join
Elemintion and etc the team that lost most will be gone and the other team splits into 2 other team and 2 different
elements and keeps going
How to win
The last player standing because team will split up until 1 vs 1 and the winner wins
by: kitty45 special thanks to DevilLoss for the teams idea