Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => PvP Events => Events and Competitions => Post Your PvP Event Ideas Here => Topic started by: kitty45 on March 02, 2011, 11:57:59 pm

Title: Live or Not
Post by: kitty45 on March 02, 2011, 11:57:59 pm


deck building

You will be on 2 teams of 16 so team 1 will use any element with  :death (besides  :life)
Team 2 will use any element with  :life ( besides  :death)

You have 5 days to do a match. Matches are best out of 3 first player to win twice won.
If you didn't play a match you both get a loss.Till further notice 

Rules rules
32 people may join.(if someone is gone you may take their spot)
cheating you will be removed from PVP and PVE events
If a sigh up topic is locked or over it is not going or is going but you missed and wait till is restarts

Special rules
If a dencny (sorry about the spelling) happens a screen shot is needed.you will lose if there is no screen shot.(both of you)

Who can join?
Anyone with a forums, and chat account may join

Elemintion and etc
the team that lost most will be gone and the other team splits into 2 other team and 2 different
elements and keeps going

How to win

The last player standing because team will split up until 1 vs 1 and the winner wins
by: kitty45 special thanks to DevilLoss for the teams idea
Title: Re: Live or Not
Post by: DevilLoss on March 03, 2011, 05:27:52 am
kitty u need to be more specific with the rules is the team event or a tourny if its just a tournament with you must use life for deck building then i dont see how this is a event its more of an idea for a tournament if it please post in that thread now.

what if u changed into a two team event maybe swiss style i dont know.

one team could use death and the other life so it be like this
one team uses a deck 50% life and any other elements (except death)
team two may use a deck 50% death with any element (except life)
Title: Re: Live or Not
Post by: kitty45 on March 03, 2011, 08:09:21 pm
Updated rules
Title: Re: Live or Not
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on March 05, 2011, 12:33:55 am
hmm, this idea is much better in my opinion.Got a few questions.

1- do players sign up for the event and get randomly shot in a team or do players join the element they want to join?
2- What are the matchups? Is there some kind of point system when you win or lose points?
3- how do you win the event?
4- will there be some kind of elimination in the team itself in the end? how will that work? ( Suggestion : the 16 remaining members could have to choose between 2 other opposing elements ( exemple darkness and light)  then the 8 others in (exemple fire /water ) etc.)
5- What do you do if you have less than 32 players joining?

Thanks for reading, and please answer those questions
Title: Re: Live or Not
Post by: TheCrazyMango on March 05, 2011, 01:55:23 am
how do you get banned from pve events? unless i fail at anagrams.
Title: Re: Live or Not
Post by: DevilLoss on March 05, 2011, 10:20:15 am
well i think i cna help clarify hopefully kitty doesnt mind me doing this but to answer questions i think it be easist to do these things
1. make a limit to each team prolly 16 members on each team let them sign up for the team they want and if one team gets to full ask those who signed up if they would like to switch to the other team
2.i would think it be swiss style or last man standing as to where whatever team has there members still alive wins the event or moves on to decide the champion or something
3.explianed above
4. not gonna answer all of these
5. explianed above
6. kitty i like this event it seems intresitng also i like jijo's suggestion of making it split into two other opposite elements but idk its ur event make it how you want it to be hopefully we see this as a event in the near future :P
Title: Re: Live or Not
Post by: Scaredgirl on March 06, 2011, 05:26:47 pm
Sorry to say but I don't think this event is unique enough. Each event should bring something new to the table. Something like this would work better as a tournament.
Title: Re: Live or Not
Post by: kitty45 on March 06, 2011, 05:52:06 pm
hmm, this idea is much better in my opinion.Got a few questions.

1- do players sign up for the event and get randomly shot in a team or do players join the element they want to join?
2- What are the matchups? Is there some kind of point system when you win or lose points?
3- how do you win the event?
4- will there be some kind of elimination in the team itself in the end? how will that work? ( Suggestion : the 16 remaining members could have to choose between 2 other opposing elements ( exemple darkness and light)  then the 8 others in (exemple fire /water ) etc.)
5- What do you do if you have less than 32 players joining?

Thanks for reading, and please answer those questions
1 pick
               2 no point system    just player vs player by random
  3 the team that had most loses will be gone and teams will split up and then again until 1 vs 1
                  4 the team that has lost most will be eliminated and is it o.k to take your Suggestion
                   5 the event will be cancelled or sigh ups are longer
Title: Re: Live or Not
Post by: kitty45 on March 06, 2011, 05:53:31 pm
Sorry to say but I don't think this event is unique enough. Each event should bring something new to the table. Something like this would work better as a tournament.
Could this be moved there then?
Title: Re: Live or Not
Post by: Scaredgirl on March 06, 2011, 05:58:02 pm
Sorry to say but I don't think this event is unique enough. Each event should bring something new to the table. Something like this would work better as a tournament.
Could this be moved there then?
There's a tournament suggestion topic. Use that.
Title: Re: Live or Not
Post by: DevilLoss on March 06, 2011, 08:02:51 pm
sg i think this idea is unique but we the rules needto be refied what if we do what kitty says and after lets say team life win they split up into like light an darkness then within that finalwinning group its a sigle elmination untill there is a champion
Title: Re: Live or Not
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on March 06, 2011, 08:09:30 pm
Sorry to say but I don't think this event is unique enough. Each event should bring something new to the table. Something like this would work better as a tournament.
If you continue with my suggestion, would it be unique enough?

32 players
16 life 16 death, from the 6 that win
8light 8 darkness, then the 8 winners go
4 fire, 4 water , could then go into
2 earth , 2 air, And then end up with
1 aether VS  1time

elements sure could be changed there, just to illustrate my thought
Title: Re: Live or Not
Post by: kitty45 on March 06, 2011, 08:30:55 pm
Title: Re: Live or Not
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on March 06, 2011, 08:57:54 pm
I would be hoping you're planning on fixing those grammar/orthograph mistakes sometime soon, makes it easier to read
Title: Re: Live or Not
Post by: DevilLoss on March 07, 2011, 05:28:23 am
ya that would defintly be unique enough i think jijo and it be a fun event but would we just take winners from both teeams andmove them on or take team  :life then split them up????
Title: Re: Live or Not
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on September 28, 2011, 01:53:35 am
Hmm, this is an idea i actually liked ( if we take my suggestions and that the OP gets grammar-fixed).

Any news on the possibilities of this happening?
Title: Re: Live or Not
Post by: TStar on October 31, 2011, 02:33:48 pm
kitty45 isn't around anymore from my understanding so I don't see the chances of this happening as very likely unless someone else is willing to pick up the idea and try to build upon it.
Title: Re: Live or Not
Post by: MyNameIsJoey on October 31, 2011, 03:56:20 pm
kitty45 isn't around anymore from my understanding so I don't see the chances of this happening as very likely unless someone else is willing to pick up the idea and try to build upon it.
Id be willing to work on it, but i cant change the OP.
Title: Re: Live or Not
Post by: TStar on October 31, 2011, 06:52:40 pm
kitty45 isn't around anymore from my understanding so I don't see the chances of this happening as very likely unless someone else is willing to pick up the idea and try to build upon it.
Id be willing to work on it, but i cant change the OP.
Just start a new one and link to the original to give credit for the idea.