WE would like this event, because i think its fun.
SuIcIdaL - RulesOriginal idea by:
Whitevo | Developed by:
Whitevo | | Organized by:
Everyone makes his own deck with his free will (some cards could be banned but lets think about it later)
Winner is, who looses first[/list]
1. HOW TO SIGN UP?Like in tournament, u get in the chat room before it starts and we start.
2. GETTING READYbuild a deck what follows rules
3. BRACKETSTourny ladder system.
4. DUELSIn duel u make everything in your power to loose before opponent.
It's a good idea to either record the matches, or take screen-shots as proof, in case something weird, like a desync error, happens. Remember, a player who gets caught cheating, will be permanently banned from all Elements community PvP events, so please play fair. ←←← i did not wrote it, but seems useful info.
5. AFTER DUELSWould be nice if you say who u won on the thread where u should post your battle result.
Since opponent does not need to know your deck, you don't need to post your deck. (yeah u kinda can change your deck after every match or even between duels, but make sure u will be quick about and other players doesn't need to wait for you too long. And cards from same main element ofc and deck still under rules)
6. WINNERWinner is the one who is most suicidal.
7. REWARDSThe winner of the event will receive the following forum award icon:
Is that true we get this? :
or i can come up with better icon?
All questions u ask might be answered, so let it ripCheck out this event too, its more complex than this, but easy to organize
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,23318.0.html (
▼▼▼btw how i get rid of this?