I see you have no rule for 3 vs 1?
Same criteria as 3 vs 1. 3 matches, no need to untie.
Also, I believe you should get some restrictions on the matches else it just becomes a league 2.0
Idea : Get each country to choose a national card. Only this country can use the card.
I agree, it would need a creative and fun rule, nothing too restrictive though.
Also, How much team would the 2 phases last? Say a country has less than 3 participants, how much time do they ahve to wait that the other countries chose their participants? Remember that if someone has nothing to do in an event for a while, they might just totally forget about it and you can lose your players.
Spoiler for Hidden:
Well, the american qualifiers could be a bit crowded. I don't know if there's a way to count american members, but let's do some rough numbers.
There are about 3000 forum members. Let's say that 1/3 are americans (1024 to make the math simple). Let's assume that all of them are currently active, that they all have more than 30 posts, and that they all want to participate (which would be awesome, by the way). You arrange them in groups of 4, and you have 256 groups. After the 3 weeks of round robin you get your 256 group winners, and you arrange them in a (very large) single bracket. After 8 stages (weeks) you get your National Team. That's 11 weeks, almost 3 months. It's long, but not eternal. It would require some heavy organization, though.
That is an estimate of how long it would take if, say, all the registered americans decided to join (as unlikely as that might be). A bit long, but not out of control, imo.
Thanx for the bump and feedback!

5. fixed, thanks Pella XD