Dungeons & Dragons: Age of the Elementals - RulesOriginal idea by:
Malebolgia | Developed by:
Malebolgia | Art by:
?? | Organized by:
??Several teams of five players each do quests and fight in an arena in the universe of Dungeons and Dragons!
1. HOW TO SIGN UP?Anyone with a forum and a chat account can sign up for this event. Start by reading the rules very carefully. Then sign up by posting on a separate sign up topic. If you cannot find a sign up topic, or if it is locked, this event is not currently active, and you will have to wait for it to restart.
Maximum amount of participants for this event is
any number, but number must be able to make groups of five. Teams can be created by players themselves, or players can sign up individually. Organized teams do not need to have five players, but will be filled with small teams or individuals.
2. GETTING READYAt the beginning of the event, each player will be given an equal amount of Electrum; and using the prices found in-game, will buy a vault of cards, which will be PM'd to the organizer. Also in each PM a player should include his Alignment and Class.
AlignmentAlignment is your association to the non-fundamental elements. At the start, you are given points for you alignment that places you on each axis. For each axis, 5 points in any direction gives you the status of that direction, max 15 points; and under 5 points gives you neutral for that axis. Quests often have an effect on these points.
Alignment | Name | Element Bonus | Element Restriction | Starting Points |
Lawful Good | Paladin or Saint | +4 Gravity/Time/Light/Life | -2 Entropy/Aether/Darkness/Death | 10 Lawful/Good |
Neutral Good | Benefactor | +4 Light/Life, +2 Gravity/Time/Entropy/Aether | -2 Darkness Death | 10 Good |
Chaotic Good | Beatific, Rebel, or Cynic | +4 Entropy/Aether/Light/Life | -2 Gravity/Time/Darkness/Death | 10 Chaotic/Good |
Lawful Neutral | Judge or Disciplined | +4 Gravity/Time, +2 Light/Life/Darkness/Death | -2 Entropy/Aether | 10 Lawful |
Neutral | Undecided or Nature | +2 Non-fundamental Elements | None | None |
Chaotic Neutral | Anarchist or Free Spirit | +4 Entropy/Aether, +2 Light/Life/Darkness/Death | -2 Gravity/Time | 10 Chaotic |
Lawful Evil | Dominator or Diabolic | +4 Gravity/Time/Darkness/Death | -2 Entropy/Aether/Light/Life | 10 Lawful/Evil |
Neutral Evil | Malefactor | +4 Darkness/Death, +2 Gravity/Time/Entropy/Aether | -2 Light/Life | 10 Evil |
Chaotic Evil | Destroyer or Demonic | +4 Entropy/Aether/Darkness/Death | -2 Gravity/Time/Light/Life | 10 Chaotic/Evil |
ClassesClasses are how you associate yourself with the fundamental elements. They cannot be changed. Quests rarely regard these as a requirement.
Class | Element Bonus | Card Ability Bonus | Creature Bonus | Weapon Bonus | Element Restriction | Creature Restriction |
Fighter | +4 Earth | +2 Defensive | +2 Ground | +2 Close-Quarters | -2 Air | -1 Airborne |
Ranger | +4 Air | +2 Offensive | +2 Airborne | +4 Ranged | -2 Earth | -1 Ground |
Wizard | +4 Water | +2 Buff | +2 Passive | +3 Staff-type | -2 Fire | -1 Active |
Berserker | +4 Fire | +2 Destructive | +2 Active | +3 Dagger-type | -2 Water | -2 Passive |
Rogue | +3 Earth/Air | +1 Defensive/Offensive | +1 Any | +1 Close-Quarters, +2 Ranged | -4 Water/Fire | None |
Cleric | +3 Earth/Water | +1 Defensive/Buff | +1 Ground/Passive | +1 Close-Quarters, +2 Staff-type | -4 Air/Fire | -1 Airborne/Active |
Firefist | +3 Earth/Fire | +1 Defensive/Destructive | +1 Ground/Active | +1 Close-Quarters, +2 Dagger-type | -4 Air/Water | -1 Airborne/Passive |
Swordspell | +3 Air/Water | +1 Offensive/Buff | +1 Airborne/Passive | +2 Ranged/Staff-type | -4 Earth/Fire | -1 Ground/Active |
Bard | +3 Air/Fire | +1 Offensive/Destructive | +1 Airborne/Active | +2 Ranged/Dagger-type | -4 Earth/Water | -1 Ground/Passive |
Sorceror | +3 Water/Fire | +1 Buff/Destructive | +1 Passive/Active | +2 Staff-type/Dagger-type | -4 Earth/Air | None |
3. QUESTSQuests are tasks that if completed can improve a player's ability in the weekly arena part of the event. Some are for an individual, and some are for each team. Quests for individuals can be helped by the team, but only the individual gets the reward regardless.
The First of Many: Finalizing the TeamsAfter the event starts, and all players are in teams (or are in the substitute list), come up with a D&D themed name for your team based on the many aspects of its players. A poll will be posted 4 days after the event starts, and names will be put to a popularity contest. Awards will be given based on placing. Reward is added to team balance, which is only used to buy items that can be used by the whole team.
Common QuestsThese start after the first tournament, and are always available after that. Only one per individual per week.
Type | Details | Alignment shifts |
Gambling | Bet on two teams, and how the will place relative to each other in the next tournament. If you bet on your own team, it must be that you will place better than another, to avoid abusive purposes. | +2 Chaotic/Evil -2 Lawful/Good |
Bending the Rules | Appeal to the host, and he may have something in store for you... | +2 Lawful/Evil or -2 Chaotic/Good |
Amending | Suggest a ruleset for the next tournament. 4 days after each tournament, a poll including all recent suggestions will be polled, and players will get rewards based on the % and number of suggestions. | +2 Lawful/Good or -2 Chaotic/Evil |
Demanding | Demand bonuses available to the players the next tournament via PM. 4 days after each tournament, a poll including all recent demands will be polled, and players will get rewards based on the % and number of demands. | +2 Chaotic/Good or -2 Lawful/Evil |
*try to generalize demands and suggestions, so avoid ones that favor a specific element or a few elements. Also, try to keep originality.
The MerchantHere players and teams can buy cards for use in the tournaments, and relics to boost deck ratings for upgrades and ability to use restricted cards. Team-bought items are available or affect the entire team. Card prices are those found within the game itself. A table for prices of rares will be posted eventually, and Nymphs will be cheaper than the in game price. Relics will vary by round, and there is a limited supply per round!
Role-playingTo spice things up, posting in the round topic will be able to affect your alignment by 1 point of each axis. Please try not to overdo the Evil/Chaotic role-playing.
PvP QuestsThese will occasionally happen along side the common quests. These are individual.
Fighting an Outsider.
Taking this quest, you will fight an opponent that matches the opposite alignment as you. The host will play the outsider.
4. BRACKETS AND DUELSThis event is
two weekly single elimination tournaments, in which teams will be placed on a bracket randomly. One day out of the week (not Saturday, for the usual weekly tournaments), there will be two tournaments. As many from each team should try and participate. The first tournament will have no bonuses or special rules, but the 3rd and 4th quests will contribute to changing up the subsequent tournaments.
Decks should be prepared for each tournament. The chosen player for each match-up may use more than one deck, but keep track of them. Duels are best of three.Any player may use any card, any deck size, and any mark. (Shards until perceived as balanced are banned.) However, decks are given a point value based on the player's alignments and class, and point value must be non-negative for deck to be legal.
Upgrades: While the non-negative value of the deck rating is necessary, excessive numbers are payed for handsomely. For every 12 points, you can upgrade any card (including those that give negative points) in your deck.
Ex: A player uses a DBH, with 20 Gravity cards, and 10 Entropy cards. Based on the Law-Chaos axis, a player whose alignment is part Lawful would get 4(20)-2(10)=60 points, or 5 upgrades; a player whose alignment that is Neutral would get 30(2)=60 points, or 5 upgrades; and a player whose alignment is part Chaotic would get 4(10)-2(20)=0 points, or 0 upgrades.
It's a good idea to either record the matches, or take screenshots as proof, in case something weird, like a desync error, happens. Remember, a player who gets caught cheating, will be permanently banned from all Elements community PvP events, so please play fair.
5. AFTER DUELSLoser should post a new topic in the "Battle Results" section, along with short description of how the match went.
Both the winner and the loser are required to post pictures of both their decks. Winners can wait until after the tournament to reply with their decks to any matches they were involved in.
6. WINNERThe team that wins
3 tournaments is declared the winning team of the event.
7. REWARDSThe winner of the event will receive the following forum award icon: