Here's the idea I came up with:
DualismOriginal idea by:
ddevans96 | Developed by:
ddevans96 | Organized by:
??Players use decks that are composed of opposing elements to gain score in a swiss style tournament.
1. SIGNING UPAnyone with a forum and a chat account can sign up for this event. First you should read the rules very thoroughly. Then you can sign up by posting on a separate sign up topic. If you cannot find a sign up topic or if it is locked, this event is not currently active and you will have to wait for it to restart.
Maximum amount of participants for this event is
32. If the event is full you can sign up as a reserve player, and will get a chance to join the event if any of the 32 players doesn't show up during the first round.
2. PREPARATIONYour deck may be any size you wish.
You may use any non-upgraded cards in the game as well as up to 6 upgraded cards.
Pay close attention that your deck adheres to the rules below.
3. BRACKETSThis event will be a 12-round
swiss style tournament. At the beginning of each round, you will be randomly paired up with another player. There will be a points system that will determine your position in the rankings and ultimately decide the winner.
4. DUELSPlayers have five days to make the fight happen. They must contact their opponent using PM and attempt to find a time that suits both. If the fight doesn't happen, the game is counted as a 0-0 match with no effect on the score unless one player is clearly more active in trying to find a suitable time. Event organizer will determine who the most active player was, and their word is final.
Matches are best-of-five. The first player who wins three duels, wins the match.
In the odd numbered games, at least 50 percent of your deck must be one element. The rest of the cards can be whatever you choose.
In the even numbered games, at least 50 percent of your deck must the
opposite element of the odd numbered games. The rest of the cards can be whatever you choose.
The pairs are (

) (

) (

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) (

It's a good idea to either record the matches or take screenshots as proof, just in case something weird happens, such as a desync error. Remember, a player who gets caught cheating will be permanently banned from all Elements community PvP events, so please play fair.
5. AFTER DUELSWinner should post a new topic in the "Battle Results" section with the decks they used, along with a short description of how the match went. The loser should then reply to that thread with the decks they used, as well as a short description if they wish.
Remember, decks can be changed at anytime between matches, so you are not limited to two or three decks the entire tournament.
6. SCORINGEach player starts with 0 score. For every game in a match that is won, you gain ten points. For every game that is lost, you ten points. The scoring system would be like this:
3-0 win | +30 |
3-1win | +20 |
3-2 win | +10 |
2-3 loss | -10 |
1-3 loss | -20 |
0-3 loss | -30 |
Whoever has the most score at the end of the event will be proclaimed the victor. If there is a tie, they will have a best-of-five match to determine the winner with the normal rules of the event.
7. REWARDSThe winner of the event will receive the following forum award icon: (
(This is just an example badge I threw together in a couple minutes to fill out the template)
The rules for this could probably be tweaked slightly, but it's an idea I want to throw out there. If anyone made this before me, you have my apologies.