Spoons, also known as Pig and Tongue, is a fast-paced game of matching and bluffing family of card games of the Crazy Eights group, closely related to Craits played with an ordinary pack of playing cards and several ordinary kitchen spoons or various other objects. It is played in multiple rounds and each player's objective is to be the first in the round to have four of a kind, or to not be the last to grab a spoon. Once one spoon is taken, everybody attempts to get the remaining spoons.
Each participant is given 4 elements out of a total of 12 * [number of players]/3 (rounded up) elements.
This is their starting hand. After each participant has a hand, the rest of the elements are put in an ordered pile called the deck.
The participants are then randomly paired into duels. Each duel will be best out of five. All decks must conform to the deck guidelines below; however, the players can switch decks at any time.
Decks can only contain the elements in the "hand" and the element Other. You cannot use any other element in any of your decks during that duel.
Hand example:
Legal deck examples: Mono-Aether, Mono-Darkness, Mono-Air, Pestal, Blitzing BLights, QT Mindgate
Illegal deck examples: Firestall, Fractal Cocks, Arctic Infection, Deathstalker Eclipse
After the duels are done, the losers must PM the organizer for which of their four elements they will discard. The discarded elements are placed on the bottom of the deck, in the order of the duels. After discarding, the losers will have 3 elements. The element on the top of the deck is given to the winner of the first duel, the second element in the deck is given to the winner of the second duel, the third element of the deck is given to the winner of the third duel, etc. The winners now have five elements and must choose to discard one. The element that the winner discards is given to the losers of the corresponding duels, so each participant has four.
After a duel, if a player has four elements of the same type, they gain "immunity" for the round. The round ends when at least X* of the participants have gained "immunity" after dueling. The participants who have yet to gain "immunity" are removed from the event, and a new round starts with the remaining participants.
The event ends when there is only one player left. The winner will win this icon:
*Organizer's choice. This can be anywhere from "half the participants each round" to "ten, then five, then two participants"