Champions of the False Gods
Original idea by:
Thelonesun | Developed by:
TStar &
Higurashi | Organized by:
Use the strength and power your False God grants you to defeat the other Champions and prove that your False God is supreme.
1. JOINING THE EVENTThis event uses upgraded cards for all duels, so players who wish to sign up should at least own enough upgraded cards to field decks which are over 50% upgraded of their chosen False God. While this is not a requirement, players who do not have upgraded decks will be at a severe disadvantage in the event.
Players are required to have a valid forum account, as well as an Elements chat account to sign up for this event. To join, simply post your name, chat name, and a list of the top five False Gods you wish to represent in order in the sign up thread when the event begins.
Maximum amount of participants for this event is
32. If the event is full, you can still sign up as a reserve player.
2. PREPARING TO PLAYChampions will be given a copy of the card list their False God patron has available to them. The champions can then build any decks they choose using only the cards on that list. There are no restrictions as to the amount of cards, or whether they are upgraded or unupgraded. Your decks do
not have to contain all the cards on this list in each deck, however each round you are required to use each card at least one time in one of the decks.
The False God card lists will contain all the cards that the current False God possesses. However, some decks will contain additional cards to help balance them out for the event. For example, Miracle may be given Fire Bolt and/or Rain of Fire, Incarnate may be given Steal, Fire Queen may be given Explosion, etc. A list of cards that can be substituted for Nymphs or Rares for each False God will also be provided.
3. COMPETITION FORMATThis competition will feature two phases, the Round Robin and the Tournament.
The Round Robin phase will have all 32 players randomly placed into 8 groups of 4 each. Each player in the group will then play a best-of-five match against the other 3 players. Whichever player emerges with the best record will advance to the Tournament. In the event two players finish win an identical record, whomever won the head-to-head matchup will win the tiebreaker.
The Tournament phase will pit the 8 winners in a single-elimination best-of-seven tournament to determine the Grand Champion of the supreme False God. These winners will be seeded based on their Round Robin records for games won/lost so a 3-0 win will help you earn a higher seeding than a 3-2 win will.
4. DUELSChampions have 7 days to complete all three battles during the Round Robin phase. It is up to each Champion to contact and arrange a time for battle with the other Champions in their pool. If a fight doesn't happen, both players will be awarded a loss for that battle for the shame of failing to champion the name of the their False God. If you feel you have been actively attempting to play a match but your opponent is not attempting to, you may contact the organizer and request a forfeit.
The Tournament rounds will last 4 days each. The rules are the same as during the Round Robin phase.
It's a good idea to either record the matches, or take screenshots as proof in case something weird like a desync error happens. All desyncs are an automatic replay of the duel unless otherwise ruled by the Organizer. All decision made by the organizer are final, so please respect their decisions whether you agree with them or not.
5. AFTER BATTLEThe winner and loser will both post their match results and decks used in the appropriate thread in the Battle Results section. All decks must be posted immediately after the match is completed by both the winner and the loser. Any player who fails to post their decks immediately will be subject to immediate dismissal from the event and any supplemental discipline required under the PvP Parasite system. If you do not have time to post your decks after your battle, do not agree to play at that time.
6. WINNER AND REWARDSThe Grand Champion will be the player who wins the Tournament.
The winner of the event will receive a forum award icon as yet to be determined.
7. CARD LISTSHere is the card list each False God will make available to their champion:
6rs 745 746 747 748 74a 74c 74d 74g 74h 74i 7n2
Cards Added: Animate Weapon, Elite Charger, Graviton Guard, Trebuchet6tt 6tv 6u0 6u1 6u2 6u3 6u4 6u5 6u6 74a 7dm 7gn 7jp 7t9 809
Cards Added: Ball Lightning745 746 748 749 74a 74b 74c 74d 74f 74o 7jt 7ju 7jv 7k1
Cards Added: Gravity Shield, Solar Buckler7t5 7t6 7t7 7t8 7t9 7ta 7tc 7tf 80a 80e 80i
Cards Added: Bloodsucker, Gargoyle, Obsidian Dragon, Thunderbolt6tt 6tu 6u0 6u2 6u3 6u6 7dm 7q2 7q3 7q4 7q5 7q8 7qe
Cards Added: Dissipation Field, Explosion, Ghost of the Past, Micro Abomination, Turtle Shield7dl 7dm 7dr 7js 7jt 7ju 7k1 7k2 7n2
Cards Added: Archangel, Fire Buckler, Holy Flash, Rage Elixir, Solar Buckler6tu 6u0 6u1 6u3 6u5 6u7 6u8 6ug 74f 77i 77j 7dr 7gl 7gn 7n0 7n7 7q1 7q2 7q9 7t6 80a 80h
Cards Added: Dissipation Field, Improved Antimatter, Improved Fog, Sundial, Werewolf7ah 7ai 7ak 7al 7am 7gm 7gn 7go 7gp 7gu 7gv 80a 80b 80d 80f 80h 80j
Cards Added: Ice Lance, Mindgate, Permafrost Shield, Phase Shield, Thunderbolt6rs 7di 7dk 7dm 7do 7ds 80a 80b 80c 80i
Cards Added: Elite Immortal, Tower Shield, Twin Universe74a 7ad 7ae 7af 7ag 7ai 7aj 7ak 7al 7am 7an 7ao 7ap 7jp 7js 7k2 7k6 7n2
Cards Added: Animate Weapon, Holy Flash, Improved Heal, Improved Miracle, Mitosis, Scorpion, Sanctuary, Spine Carapace, Unstoppable7ai 7am 7an 7dk 7dm 7dn 7mu 7n0 7n2 7n3 7n5 7n8 7n9
Cards Added: Elite Wyrm, Epinephrine, Explosion, Improved Fog, Improved Heal, Sky Blitz, Wings745 748 74a 74d 80a 80b 80c 80d 80e 80f 80g 80i
Cards Added: Elite Charger, Fractal, Gravity Force, Thunderbolt745 746 747 749 74a 74b 74c 74d 74e 7dm 7do 7dr
Cards Added: Graviton Guard, Rage Elixir7dr 7t8 7t9 7ta 7tb 7td 7te 7tf 7tg 7th 80b 80h
Cards Added: Gargoyle, Quintessence, Twin Universe, Vampire77d 77i 7dh 7di 7dj 7dk 7dl 7dm 7dn 7do 7dq 7dr
Cards Added: None711 712 715 717 71b 71c 71d 71f 7t5 7t7 7t9 7ta 7tb 7tc 7td
Cards Added: Aflatoxin, Elite Mummy, Improved Steal, Ivory Dragon, Obsidian Dragon, Siphon Life, Skull Buckler, Soul Catcher6ug 71k 74o 77s 7b0 7e4 7gm 7gn 7gp 7h0 7h8 7kc 7ng 7qk 7t9 7tb 7tc 7ti 7to 80h 80k 80s
Cards Added: Abyss Crawler, Congeal, Quintessence, Silence, All Nymphs
NOTE: Use of Nymph's is optional, but other cards are required.6rk 74a 7jv 7k5 7n2 7q3 7q4 7q5 7q7 7q8 7qc 80a 80d 80h
Cards Added: Improved Blessing, Long Sword, Phase Shield, Rewind, Thunderbolt, Unstoppable7ad 7ak 7al 7dm 7jq 7jr 7js 7jt 7jv 7k1 7k2 7k4 7k6 7n3 7n7
Cards Added: Explosion, Holy Flash, Hope, Sanctuary, Shockwave711 712 713 714 717 718 719 71a 71b 71f 7jp 7ju 7k2 7n2
Cards Added: Animate Weapon, Soul Catcher77j 7gm 7gn 7go 7gp 7gr 7gs 7gt 7gu 7h1 7n0 7n5 7n7
Cards Added: Ice Lance, Improved Fog, Puffer Fish, Quicksand749 74a 74d 74i 77a 77b 77c 77f 77h 77i 77l 77m
Cards Added: Basilisk Blood, Gravity Shield, Overdrive, Vanadium Warden, Steel Golem6rr 7dj 7dk 7dl 7dm 7mt 7mu 7mv 7n1 7n2 7n4 7n5 7n6 7n8
Cards Added: Damselfly, Elite Firefly, Elite Wyrm, Fire Spectre, Lightning Storm, Longbow, Sky Dragon, Wings74a 74h 7n2 7q3 7q4 7q8 7qa 7qb 7qc 7qd 80d 80i
Cards Added: Animate Weapon, Dune Scorpion, Elite Scarab, Fractal, Phase Shield, Sundial6u2 6u3 74a 7jp 7jv 7k0 7k1 7k2 7k3 7k4 7q1 7q5 7q9 7qd 80a 80b
Cards Added: Chaos Power, Dune Scorpion, Hope, Luciferase, Sundial, Supernova, Thunderbolt, Unstoppable6rl 6rs 6u1 74d 74e 77g 7ah 7dm 7dq 7gn 7h2 7k2 7k6 7n0 7n5 7q5 7q9 7t9 80a
Cards Added: Gavel, Graviton Firemaster, Improved Fog, Lava Destroyer, Sanctuary, Steam Machine, Sundial, Tower Shield718 71a 7gl 7gm 7gn 7go 7gp 7gq 7gr 7gs 7gt 7gu 7gv 80b 80e
Cards Added: Electrocutor779 77a 77b 77c 77e 77f 77g 77i 77j 77k 77l 77m 7q4 7q5 7q6 7q9
Cards Added: Basilisk Blood, Electrum Hourglass, Sundial, Vanadium Warden713 718 719 71a 71e 7ai 7aj 7an 7ao 7b0 7t7 7t9 7ta 7td 7ti
Cards Added: Bloodsucker, Deadly Poison, Epinephrine, Improved Heal, Improved Plague, Improved Steal, Spine Carapace, Vampire