Separate from whether or not the US Democratic party is evil, or wrong, or any of that, EVIL INCARNATE is a very high standard to hold someone too.
I would claim that neither party is evil incarnate, even though I vehemently disagree with at least one of them about most issues.
I would consider myself a very creative person, and I find it hard to come up with something that is evil incarnate.
Even dropping napalm on innocent towns suspected of holding one or two enemy combatants, knowing that napalm would stick to the skin, that would, if you are lucky, kill you quickly, and, worst case scenario, burn off all your flesh, leaving you in a limbo state between life and death, only to die shortly after, but in that time, feeling only agony, in the parts of your body that still have nerves, still falls short of true evil incarnate.
Let us not claim that someone who may or may not want to tax you, or who may or may not want to modify gun control, or who may or may not want to revise a textbook evil incarnate.
I would say, read this story, and think about the characters involved (it is short), and then try and tell me that a US political party is the face of pure evil. (I might be willing to claim that at least one of them is mildly evil, but not evil incarnate)