Haha, wow. This might be the most amazingly uninformed post on the entire Elements forum.
If you all want something more recent then I could go off talking about Obama care and partial birth abortion but I don't feel the need to do that.
Obamacare is a republican myth. Obama never planned to have mandatory state run health care, his idea was an option paid for by taxes without getting rid of any existing health care providers. If anyting republicans should get behind this bill because it would've actually provided more options and give more incentive for big business health care providers to step up their game. Instead we ended up with a watered down bill that doesn't even address the issue.
The post was more of a response to the thread claiming that the Republican party is "evil incarnate". My point is that there is no need to assume that a group is evil just because some of it's members may be (look up the fallacy of composition).
I think its safe to say that a group of fat cats who manipulate their followers with false information, who's goal is to prop up businesses with no concern for the public, has an interest in protecting health care providers who openly admit they'll drop patients because of "pre-existing conditions", who try to get rid of parts of our history because teaching about liberal people is somehow bad education, who want science out of science classes, who want unequal rights for gays just because it isn't biblical, who want a religious state to rule over non-religious people, who want to punish people who are incapable of working by getting rid of welfare while giving tax breaks to people who don't need it, qualifies as evil.
If we were to do this we would have to say that almost every group is evil.
The difference is that the republicans have no qualms with evil leadership.
I am not personally offended by someone claiming the Republican party is evil because I'm not a member of any party but it might be offensive to people that are members of the party.
Good. People who are republicans should be offended. The facts state that they are wrong, and if they are willingly ignorant they deserve to have the facts slammed in their faces and to be publically ridiculed. If they can't adapt to reality than their party should cease to exist. (I'm not advocating murder, I am advocating that reasonable people leave the republican party and let it dissolve.)
How would you like me saying that you are evil because your someone in your party did something wrong? Not only is it completely bogus logic that should be ignored or laughed hysterically at but it's also not necessary, productive, or true. My original post was meant to highlight the absurdity of this by bringing in a different view point.
I wouldn't take offense if you called me evil, I'd feel the need for clarification though. It could just be that we have different moral standards and I'm more than glad with not having the moral standards of a conservative.
You might want to lock your mouth, pal, before you and your KKK budies get laughed of the forum... just saying.
But the KKK are so conservative they want to repeal liberal legislation. Its almost like you didn't think before you typed that.