You know, Truddy, I was a hardcore libertarian for most of my life. Then, I read an absolutely non-political and thoroughly amazing book (that I will post the name of as soon as my wife wakes up and can remind me of) that essentially lays out the history of public-relations organizations and the incredible amount of lies and spin they generate in order to deceive the public into doing things that are grossly harmful -- all in the name of moar profit. The libertarian philosophy, at least as regards business and the free market, fails humankind in the face of that level of manipulation, heartlessness, and greed. (Not unlike communism, ironically!)
I think I'd still actually call myself "mostly libertarian" -- but at least on the economic side, I've learned first-hand that there is far too much willingness to bend the little guy over a barrel and stick it to him than any amount of laissez-faire government can control. The entire economic disaster, for example, was created runaway Wall Street greed, which was allowed to get out of control due to deregulation and an agreement to keep some exotic, unregulated financial instruments entirely 'off-book'. Libertarian philosophy's response is "well, lesson learned, they won't do it again" -- except they will, because the sickest part of the whole thing is that, from the banker's perspective,
it worked. They pocketed billions of dollars, got bailed out by the taxpayers, and are STILL giving themselves seven-digit bonus checks at the end of every quarter.
Sorry to say, libertarianism fails epically right there.
Which sucks, because I love almost everything else libertarians have to say.
(...still waiting to have someone answer me and tell me what conservatives REALLY want!)