BTW, regarding the United States and the right to life/negative right from murder thing:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
The entire United States is founded on the idea that you have a right to life, and if the government ever tries to take it away from you, you have the right to a different government. That's not a negative right from murder -- it's the first and foremost of the
inalienable rights upon which the entire country is based.
So your plan for proving everyone with unlimited life is to sustain their life until they die of old age. Forgive me but finite life is not unlimited life. Finite life is possible to provide to everyone with a length depending on resources and technology. However unlimited life (aka Immortality) is still impossible.
This is such an extraordinary stretch that it would be funny if you didn't appear to be taking yourself seriously. You started by talking about a market:
Unfortunately while the Supply Curve for Food and Water is sufficiently elastic, transportation costs result in the Supply curve being too high for some groups of people.
And then when your claim was challenged, rather than defend it, you retreated into some abstract B.S. about the meaning of "unlimited supplies of life" and the biological limits of human mortality. It's a self-serving bunch of crap. The real-world facts are that it is not only possible and viable, but
cheaper for society as a whole (remember Million Dollar Murray ( to SOLVE the problems of homelessness, hunger, and poverty than it is to 'manage' them the way we are now. The only reason that it's not happening is because of the irrationality of the Public Goods Game: conservatives would actually literally RATHER PAY MORE and HAVE LESS than allow someone else to survive off of the taxes they pay without working themselves.
That's the greatest irony of all -- because liberals accuse conservatives of being greedy when the truth is that
real greed would say "screw it, just give them apartments and government cheese, it'll cost less than keeping them on the streets." No, conservatives aren't driven by greed, they're driven by something much less rational --
Philosophy and moral theory be damned,
economics supports liberal social policy. I don't care what people should do from a moral standpoint, I'd be happy if they actually understood and acted in their own enlightened self-interest.