And yes, I'm grossly overgeneralizing and I know it. Cope. 
Nope, not on this one
Let’s take a look at some prominent Democrats right now and compare them to Mitt Romney the “Big Bad Republican businessman” shall we?
Romney gave more than 16% of his total income to charity last year (and the year before that…), and when coupled with the amount he paid in taxes that year, 3.2 million, it was roughly 42% of his total income.
This would have covered:
- Food stamps for about 24,000 people
- Educating 302 elementary students
- The salary of 178 army privates
- 636 Medicare dependents
In comparison though 200-2004 the Obama family did not even give 1% of their earnings to charity In 2005 and 2006 in preparation for the elections they raised their giving just enough to hit the 5% mark in order to gain a more favorable light.
How about Joe Biden, can he help restore the Democrats giving image for the Obama campaign? Sadly no, He and his wife average under $400 a year which amounts to under .5% of their total income. After becoming the VP the jumped it up to ~$5,000 a year placing their charitable donations at under 1.5% of their income
Well since this administration is out the window, let’s try the last Democratic Party in office, the Clinton. Oh Oh Oh we have a winner their donations average between 8% and 12% of their total income. While much higher than the current administration, I would like to point out that it still falls just a bit short of Romney’s yearly donation, and I thought republicans were supposed to be the heartless ones…
Now before you fly off the handle and state “well that’s only one republican” I’ll go ahead and throw out the numbers for Romney’s main competition in the primaries, Newt Gingrich. Gingrich donated a measly 2.6 %. However, that’s still higher than both Obama and Biden, and let’s face it Gingrich, unlike many democrats, has never once proclaimed to be a champion of the poor.
All in all, while democrats tend to be more generous with money it tends to be the tax payers money, yours and mine, and not their own.
* The numbers here have come from both Investors Business Daily and the Huffington Post.