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Other Topics => Off-Topic Discussions => Politics => Topic started by: Kamietsu on December 18, 2010, 11:38:26 pm
Here is the news article: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20101218/ap_on_go_co/us_gays_in_military
Any thoughts on this? I personally love it and am glad it's finally happening. It's been too long that don't ask don't tell has been in the military and it's a large step for gay rights.
i never understood why gays werent allowed in the military. im glad this happened
For the same reason blacks and whites used to not be able to marry, or blacks couldn't serve in the military, or women couldn't vote, and all the other injustice that has been throughout the years.
But one by one, each one was fought, and the rightful party won. And now finally one more group is slowly making a change and it's mark on the country for the better.
Isn't there a "don't ask, don't tell" policy going on in the us' army?
And well, I really don't think it will make much of a difference, as I believe anybody who wanted to join the army just said he was straight... I guess it will make a difference as they will be more open regarding their sexuaility?
Yes, the US military had a Don't Ask, Don't tell policy, and if you were found out or admitted to being gay, you were kicked out. But the repeal of DADT means that gays can openly serve in the military without being kicked out due to their orientation. And you are right, as far as the military services go, nothing too much will really change, or most likely wouldn't change. It's just a large step for gay rights, and now they don't have to lie in order to serve their country.
Yes, the US military had a Don't Ask, Don't tell policy, and if you were found out or admitted to being gay, you were kicked out. But the repeal of DADT means that gays can openly serve in the military without being kicked out due to their orientation. And you are right, as far as the military services go, nothing too much will really change, or most likely wouldn't change. It's just a large step for gay rights, and now they don't have to lie in order to serve their country.
Can you guess what word I loved the most in your post?
if you can't here is a spoiler.... ( don't click it ......... I mean it!!! )
had DON'T DO IT! Oh a wise guy eh? Click and find out what happens to guys/girls/it's like you! Oh look you clicked it, but you better not again!
All I know is if someone's going out there to get shot at in my place, I'm not going to ask which way he swings.
Of course, at this point our military is so overblown that new recruits aren't really helping protect America's freedom. We could defend this country with a military a tenth of the size it is now.
well, military problems aside, I think it is a step in the right direction of equal protection under the law.
I hope that within a generation we won't have any more of these issues where certain groups are treated differently under the law...
All I know is if someone's going out there to get shot at in my place, I'm not going to ask which way he swings.
Of course, at this point our military is so overblown that new recruits aren't really helping protect America's freedom. We could defend this country with a military a tenth of the size it is now.
Point well made. "We're actually kind of replacing other countries militaries." is what a friend of mine said on the topic.
Otherwise, that's great. America is after all, where "are men are created equal".
I have always felt that if somebody was signing up for a job where they could potentially catch a bullet (and not in the Superman way) it shouldn't matter what they do in their bedroom on their own time. That goes for any job for that matter, but I'm glad it's done and over with for the military.
The reason i think they kept homosexuality hidden is because it would cause disruptances. imagine if two homosexuals were left on guard duty and just decided to make out and f eachother right there. we would have a huge problem. i dont care if you are gay or not. i have plenty of gay friends. i think for there own safety they should stay out of the military.
Sorry, the same argument has been made against women in the military. Didn't turn into an issue there, and I don't think that will be an issue now. Hell, there have been gay men and women in the military forever anyway (Alexander the Great anyone). Being out isn't going to cause them to act unprofessional. And I think that the non gay friendly soldiers will get used to the idea once a few of them have their asses saved by a gay comrade.
idk doesnt matter to me. im just looking out for my fellow americans. not like we actually need anymore army people.
awesome. i don't get discrimination against gays anyways, because like a comedian said:
"I don't get discrimination now. Back then, discrimination was simple, the whites said, 'we don't want the blacks marrying us, make them marry each other.' now people are saying 'we don't want the queers marrying each other, make them marry... us?'"
note: this was paraphrased.
When talking about the gay marriage issue, most people blur the line between a marriage in view of a church and a marriage (or "civil union") in view of the state. If the majority wishes homosexual couples to be able to benefit from the same state-granted financial boon that heterosexual couples enjoy, then it will become law. That's how laws work. The church doesn't have to be involved, or care... the church is, after all, made up of citizens who are free as anyone else to vote according to their own morality.
Both sides of the gay marriage issue make it a WAY bigger can of worms than it needs to be...
The reason i think they kept homosexuality hidden is because it would cause disruptances. imagine if two homosexuals were left on guard duty and just decided to make out and f eachother right there. we would have a huge problem. i dont care if you are gay or not. i have plenty of gay friends. i think for there own safety they should stay out of the military.
gay != horny
only pointing that out because your argument hinges on them wanting to have sex with each other while being on guard duty, not just them being gay.
The reason i think they kept homosexuality hidden is because it would cause disruptances. imagine if two homosexuals were left on guard duty and just decided to make out and f eachother right there. we would have a huge problem. i dont care if you are gay or not. i have plenty of gay friends. i think for there own safety they should stay out of the military.
gay != horny
only pointing that out because your argument hinges on them wanting to have sex with each other while being on guard duty, not just them being gay.
No... it really doesnt.... aside from that though, I think its good it was repealed. I have a friend in the navy and he said theres a ton of gay people he knows, and they dont do anything to hide it. From his perspective, it was currently just a law to be a law. If we have a law we should enforce it. If we dont then we shouldnt have the law.
Oh, so it was like our immigration laws? *ducks the ensuing torrent of offtopic*
And it was probably like the immigration laws because if you didn't ask, you didn't tell. Only they asked everything back then. And how does gay=aroused?
Well, the word used to mean "happy" or "gleeful."
And it was probably like the immigration laws because if you didn't ask, you didn't tell. Only they asked everything back then. And how does gay=aroused?
It doesnt, but thats not his whole argument.
zblader, I was only pointing out that crazyjay's argument completely hinged gay = aroused, so i simply stated that gay != aroused ._.
zblader, I was only pointing out that crazyjay's argument completely hinged gay = aroused, so i simply stated that gay != aroused ._.
and my point is that his point stands. Same thing with girls. My thinking is that if you are in a military branch, then you realize the importance of what you are doing, so I just dont think his point is good period. I just dont think you did a good job of refutting it.
Gah, I think it's terrible! Can you imagine how uncofortable it's going to be for straight males to have to share rooms or tents or wherever they sleep with homosexual males? It's going to make them feel akward and they may even be harassed by gays. It will decrease the efficiency of our military. Instead of just thinking about how sad the gay people who can't join the military are, why don't we think about our troops in the military right now and how they'd feel about it?
There have been gays in the military for a very long time, it suddenly being legal doesn't mean gays are going to suddenly start harassing their male counterparts, and gays being legal will increase efficiency in the military as gays will feel happier less oppressed and thus work harder.