People will disagree, but a child is its essense an asset. You can choose not to invest in it but once you do you have to agree to the terms. If you commit to it, its yours, if you don't its not and you have no right to it.
You're right, I do disagree. A parent has certain responsibilities to take care of his or her offspring. I, for one, couldn't live with myself not knowing if my child was OK (though I don't have one yet). I know someone who was abandoned by their father and I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
Thats a social implication brought on by programming from your culture and not factual instinctive programming.
So ideas that come from "factual instinctive programming" override social ones? Why? Does that mean eating vegetables is worse than eating donuts? Besides, can you really make the claim that social ideas are completely independent from instincts? Really my biggest objection to this is that I don't believe your claim that a child only wants to know its father because of social conditioning. Don't most societies give fatherhood considerable importance?
The Point is that I am evaluating the situation on a Higher level.
Your point of view is influenced by what you have experienced and nothing to do with actualism. Its just the same as Joey who became destitute after his Girlfriend had a baby he didn't know about and that he isn't allowed to see but he has to give up more than half his income for. Its a social or personal experience and taints your view. It also fits in with those who deny the right to euthanasia because its their religion says its against the lord to commit suicide. It has nothing to do with factualism and all to do with cultural programing.
Lets disregard humans for a minute and evaluate nature. All animals including insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals will neglect and/or abandon a child if they feel it is within their best interests to do so. They also promote the death of ineffective half-casts. The mother animal always makes that descision on its environment because of her needs and only after birth does the male have an opportunity to be involved with the childs growth and carry on the childs nurture if the mother leaves it.
Fatherhood, if it exists has always been about means. Sons make income, sons retain wealth and name. Daughters mean dowry, a transferable item usable for political nature to gain more asset. Remove this ability to gain asset and fatherhood suddenly dissapears, a bear or lion will kill its own children to make sure it has more females and better sustainable feeding grounds.