I know abortion can be a sticky a and religious subject. I want to focus on the part that isnt often brought up. Everyone likes talking about whether it is a baby or not, I instead want to talk about what the father to be's role should be in the decision. I think the father to be's opinion should matter 100%. Now before slamming me and saying im a male chauvinistic pig, let me explain my view some.
If you are the female, and you do not want to go through with a pregnancy, before having sexual relations, you should have a document that pretty much says "I understand that regardless of whether the female gets pregnant or not, the male under no circumstances can request the female to go on with the pregnancy."
Now lets say that no such paper was signed. The malefemale gets pregnant, and the male wants nothing to do with it. Thinks the female should get an abortion. Well if the female doesnt want an abortion, then too bad male. Cause if she wants the baby, she can keep the baby.
Lets say it is reversed. The male wants the baby, and the female doesnt. Well, the female should have to keep the baby, BUT the male should have to pay all bills related to it. Doctor visits, every needle she is probed with, everything. + some
Now why do I think this? Well, I think if 2 people come together and make something, then if both people dont want it destroyed, then it shouldnt be destroyed. Now you may say "But the male doesnt have to carry it around all the time ect ect ect" and if thats your excuse fine, then have there be a payment the male has to do for the female carrying it around.
I know the view is sorta wierd, its just my 2 cents on the matter and religion free. TRied to keep it purely politics/