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Marijuana, Legal or Illegal https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=14471.msg183366#msg183366
« on: October 24, 2010, 06:18:44 am »
I'm really getting into this politics stuff  :D

Anyways, recently I was assigned a project in class to write a letter to the editor about my position on marijuana, I needed to defend it and whatnot. This was already a topic I knew a fair amount about but I still find it an interesting topic. The following is my letter (without my info of course)
Michael Cooke
Editorial department
Toronto Star
1 Yonge Street Fifth floor

Dear Michael Cooke,

Did you know that combined, tobacco and alcohol are linked to 520 thousand deaths in the United States*, while marijuana can’t be linked to any deaths, yet marijuana is still illegal? I’m writing to you today to convince you to do anything in your power to help legalize marijuana, both medicinally and recreationally. It sad that we have leaders who think that alcohol and tobacco should be legal yet cannot accept the fact that they are worse then marijuana in almost every way.
The most obvious argument for the legalization of marijuana is that it can’t be linked to any deaths while many legal substances can. Even if you think these other more dangerous substances should be illegal (namely alcohol and tobacco), the fact still remains that marijuana can’t be linked to any deaths. A common response to this is that marijuana causes long term negative neurological effects. "In conclusion, our meta-analysis of studies that have attempted to address the question of longer term neurocognitive disturbance in moderate and heavy cannabis users has failed to demonstrate a substantial, systematic, and detrimental effect of cannabis use on neuropsychological performance.”**.
Another common “reason” given for why marijuana should be illegal is that marijuana is supposedly a gateway drug (meaning it leads to use of worse drugs). There some studies that demonstrate this (Study of Australian Adolescents) and some that don’t (Study on American adolescents); however, even if it were true that people who smoke marijuana are more likely to smoke harder substances (crack or heroin) it isn’t possible to establish  a cause and effect relationship between the two. To clarify, what I mean by this is that you can’t say because they were smoking marijuana they started smoking crack just as much as you can say that they started smoking marijuana because they were smoking crack.
In conclusion, I hope I have presented sufficient evidence to convince you that marijuana should be legal. If you still think that marijuana should be illegal then let me ask you this. How can we allow tobacco and alcohol to be legal, yet still make it that marijuana is illegal?
*"Annual Causes of Death in the United States | Drug War Facts." Welcome | Drug War Facts. http://drugwarfacts.org/cms/?q=node/30#item1 (accessed October 20, 2010).
**Grant, Igor, et al., "Non-Acute (Residual) Neurocognitive Effects Of Cannabis Use: A Meta-Analytic Study," Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society (Cambridge University Press: July 2003), 9, p. 687.
essentially i think it should be legal (If you wanna get into a discussion about it then read the letter. I address some very common arguments in there)


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Re: Marijuana, Legal or Illegal https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=14471.msg183602#msg183602
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2010, 04:36:58 pm »
Old guy here.

Yeah, ole Mary Jane needs to have legal citizenship in my opinion. To be honest, I could post on this topic for many hours and paragraphs, but to keep it simple, I'll just use one of my many, many arguments for it's legalzation just to kick start this one off. When's the last time anyone heard of someone going off on a stoned-rampage and beating up their girlfriend or a bar fight? Bet peeps hear more about the drunken-rampages. Makes one wonder why, then, the drink is legal but not the smoke.

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Re: Marijuana, Legal or Illegal https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=14471.msg183628#msg183628
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2010, 04:56:24 pm »
Don't smoke it myself, but I don't see what's so wrong with it that people can't use it, but can use alcohol or tobacco. I think it just needs an age restriction on it to stop people under 18 using it.

It'd also save alot of police and court time over minor cases over one of the most used illegal drugs, and allow them to focus on more serious stuff.


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Re: Marijuana, Legal or Illegal https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=14471.msg183640#msg183640
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2010, 05:09:57 pm »
Personally I don't think that any substance that alters your cognitive activities to a greater extent should be legal, especially when it is addictive and causes serious abstinence problems.


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Re: Marijuana, Legal or Illegal https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=14471.msg183646#msg183646
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2010, 05:13:32 pm »
Personally I don't think that any substance that alters your cognitive activities to a greater extent should be legal, especially when it is addictive and causes serious abstinence problems.
If a person is of sound mind, and makes a responsible cognitive decision to smoke the herb, why should they be prohibited legally? Also, giving population growth issues, assuming the herb does in fact do this, why would abstinence be a bad thing?

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Re: Marijuana, Legal or Illegal https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=14471.msg183650#msg183650
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2010, 05:18:42 pm »
Definitely legal. Because there is no good reason for it to be illegal.
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Re: Marijuana, Legal or Illegal https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=14471.msg183653#msg183653
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2010, 05:21:12 pm »
Personally I don't think that any substance that alters your cognitive activities to a greater extent should be legal, especially when it is addictive and causes serious abstinence problems.
I'd like to see evidence for this. I'd also like to know if you think tobacco and alcohol should be legal. If you do then you don't have a coherent position seeing as combined they are responsible for about 53 thousand deaths a year in the usa

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Re: Marijuana, Legal or Illegal https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=14471.msg183654#msg183654
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2010, 05:21:50 pm »
I say legalize it.  I personally don't believe the government should regulate personal behavior.  Any person who wants to smoke marijuana in their own home or a private establishment that chooses to allow them to do so should have the right to do so.  The effects of doing so are the responsibility of the person who makes the decision to partake.  The government is not your mother and has no need to decide what is best for you.

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Re: Marijuana, Legal or Illegal https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=14471.msg183671#msg183671
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2010, 05:47:35 pm »
Personally I don't think that any substance that alters your cognitive activities to a greater extent should be legal, especially when it is addictive and causes serious abstinence problems.
I was under the impression Marijuana /wasn't/ addictive.


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Re: Marijuana, Legal or Illegal https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=14471.msg183680#msg183680
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2010, 06:01:48 pm »
Personally I don't think that any substance that alters your cognitive activities to a greater extent should be legal, especially when it is addictive and causes serious abstinence problems.
I was under the impression Marijuana /wasn't/ addictive.
Marijuana is addictive, but it's dependance is less than alcohol. However, if addictivness is the primary factor to making something illegal, there are quite a few activities out there that are addictive, yet legal. I believe it's fair to say the "it's too addictive" argument has been put to rest long ago. Legalizing it then becomes more of a moral/social/regluating issue.

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Re: Marijuana, Legal or Illegal https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=14471.msg183710#msg183710
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2010, 06:41:25 pm »
Personally I don't think that any substance that alters your cognitive activities to a greater extent should be legal, especially when it is addictive and causes serious abstinence problems.
I was under the impression Marijuana /wasn't/ addictive.
Marijuana itself isn't very addictictive. It's when people take it with tobacco, thinking it's the marijuana that they're addicted to, when in fact it's the tobacco.

(note that I say 'very addictive', the addiction still occurs, but to a lesser extent than with tobacco.)

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Re: Marijuana, Legal or Illegal https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=14471.msg183778#msg183778
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2010, 08:06:14 pm »
I would have to somewhat agree w/ morningstar on this one. Marijuana isn't really addictive (trust me, i know), and legalizing it would most likely end the market for it. We all know that the government has the technology to create different types of marijuana that would blow other kinds out of the water, thus making the competition virtually nonexistent. Also, it would definitely help bring in revenue to the states.
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