1. Sorry for the necro; I've been away for a while.
2. This thread seems to be conflating the concepts of 'homosexuality' as a) a sexual preference/need/proclivity, and b) 'homosexuality' as a social construct. Sticking to a), the effect on society is simple: roughly 10% fewer breeding couples, roughly 10% fewer children born, roughly 10% fewer taxes collected in the future, roughly 10% less spent on child benefits/care. Net effect - nothing. For b), the effects are whatever you'd like to project upon them, as social constructs are malleable and ill-defined, as a rule.
3. The sticking point, to me, is that homosexuality, by whichever notion we use, is a *part* of society - not an outside agent, seperate therefrom.
4. 'Have they done any studies with very young kids to see their reaction to seeing how they view homosexuality?' Have they done any studies with very young kids to see their reaction to Jenna Jameson's filmography? Have they done any studies with very young kids to see their reactions to condom sizes, dildo manufacture, or the optimal shape of the human buttock as an object of sexual desire?
NO. Nor should 'they;' very young children are (IMO) quite rightly not treated as sexual actors in our society; how would a child's view on adult sexuality be relevant at all?
Interesting topic.