First of all if your saying that gay marriage somehow stops a working society because they can't reproduce then you need to re-think your position. Would you say that people who are infertile shouldn't be allowed to marry too?
Also, who gives a crap whether or not the baby is create through love or other processes. How does that matter? And for that matter why does it matter whether or not there is is an adult male or female in their lives as they are raised (and there probably would be such as aunts uncles and stuff, and yes i do understand family life). By that logic we would also have to take away kids from single parents. Not to mention that having a male and female role in your life doesn't affect how you do in life at all.
-"Studies have found children do not require both a male and female parent," testified Michael Lamb, the head of Cambridge's Department of Social and Developmental Psychology. His testimony was given before U.S. District Chief Judge Vaughn Walker of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco.
It is not dangerous and I challenge you to find me a statistic that demonstrates such.
I will refute your opinion at the end with the others. However, if you actually want to carry on a discussion, try not to insult others' inputs. You have asked for everybody's position. You then told Dragoon that his " irrelevant" without evidence. You then say, "who gives a crap" when I post an article counter to your opinion. If you don't want to hear it, don't ask the question.
It's true that your ideal is irrelevant without evidence. Because that's just what you believe without evidence
I agree with Dragoon1140. Marriage is between a man and a woman.
It seems like it's basically only because you've defined it that way.
As has society since the beginning of history.
which is unimportant
If you want an interesting read on the benefits of children being raised by their two biological parents who are married to each other, then read the following:
It includes a small section on same-sex couples as well.
Did you check the sources of the article? Because they make the following claims
"Although the research on these families has limitations, the findings are consistent: children raised by same-sex parents are no more likely to exhibit poor outcomes than children raised by divorced heterosexual parents"
however instead of putting a source down for this they say this instead
"There is little information available about differences relating to socio-economic status, race, or other variables in
same-sex couple families. Many of these studies have methodological limitations that apply to recruitment methods
and small samples sizes. In addition, many samples of same-sex couple families have been largely of white, middleclass,
well-educated families. Little research has been done on children born to or adopted and raised by lesbian or
gay parents."
wow so that's just an assertion without evidence. Continuing
"Since many children raised by gay or lesbian parents have
undergone the divorce of their parents, researchers have considered the most appropriate
comparison group to be children of heterosexual divorced parents"
What's strange is that they seem to be claiming that divorced lesbian or gay couples do just as well as divorced straight parents, not that a homosexual couple does just as well as a divorced heterosexual parent (of course it is a rather unclear sentence).
They provide the following source (after Googling it and finding it of course): above article makes the same statement on the top of page 1056 when it says "For instance, studies have found no difference between lesbian and heterosexual mothers on self-concept, happiness, overall adjustment, or psychiatric status" It says a similar thing on page 1056 for gay and heterosexual men (the reason why im not quoting it is because its a picture file and not a text file and the quote is way to long to type up)
The original article you linked to then makes the following claim "Children of gay or lesbian
parents do not look different from their counterparts raised in heterosexual divorced families
regarding school performance, behavior problems, emotional problems, early pregnancy, or
difficulties finding employment."
The source for this claim seems to be the below link: the link they provide is just a bibliography of this guy and his works it just gives you a list of his works, the closest one to the name they provide in the article leads to this when googled'y+%26+L.+291&key=8cde465b07f883d384d5a159ace3a2d9Unfortunately for me you need to pay for this article which i am not willing to do. But i wouldn't want to disappoint you so I found this sum it up. Kids raised by gay parents do just as well as those raised by straight parents
Ps: I didn't need to do any of the above stuff because even if children raised by gay parents did worse in general then heterosexual couples that still wouldn't mean that they shouldn't be allowed to get married.