Romney was not a uniquely evil presence at Bain. It was a vampire squid before and after Romney. Romney is pro-vampire-squid (as is Obama to a lesser extent), and his Presidency would be likely to help vampire squids suck more out of the US economy.
You mean the vampire squids that pay 50% of the US debt? Really, Im tired of argmuments in politics that do nothing but call names and are completely emotion driven.
There wouldn't be debt if they paid their fair share of taxes. Lowering tax revenues since Reagan have resulted in huge deficits. Thanks almost entirely to Romney's party.
The vampire squids are responsible for the biggest economic crisis since the Great Depression. I believe that it was necessary to bail out the financial sector, but it should have come at a cost that would deter future recklessness. Take over the firms, scour their books and computers, send the worst offenders to prison, rescue the financial system, and then sell off the firms. However, Obama never even considered such moves because he is almost as much a creature of Wall Street as Republicans.
I will thank you not to characterize my position as "completely emotionally driven." I am well read on the subject. Personal insults will not win a debate.