Okay, my 2 rubles.
Communism is a very interesting idea, that we work for the state and the state looks after us. The main benefit of a communistic society is efficency. The state investigates which jobs need doing and assigns suitable people to do these jobs. No faffing about with job descriptions, applications, infinite rejections etc.
Thanks to this efficiency the average standard of living will increase and will rise above what 90% people currently enjoy in a capitalistic society. Additionally, everyone will earn the same amount of money (seriously, why should anyone have a better standard of living because they were lucky enough to be born with a high intelligence?), which agrees with my personal scruples.
I would also like to point to the high level of peace between communist nations. There have been several merges between communistic countries, most notably around Russia. Its easy for countries who micromanage their countries to simply merge everything together and work out a new average pay rate.
I currently find myself in the position of having recently left a good university with a good degree, but without a job of any kind (and thanks to this recession, no particular hope of finding any). In a communistic society, I would be either given a graduate level job, or be put on a graduate scheme of some sort.
Okay, so there are problems with communism. The 2 main problems are corruption and motivation. How to motivate people to do more with there lives when they know it wont change their standard of living? Very tricky. Capitalism, by its very nature, answers this question better than communism ever could, but there are various incentives that can be used.
When everybody is paid the same, it becomes very easy for the human inclination of greed to rear its ugly head. This then leads to corruption throughout the system. Another tricky problem. During the second World War, the British solved this problem in a rather novel way by introducing ration books.
However, the only real way to solve these problems is through a strong community spirit and a healthy dose of nationalism. A strong mental attitude revolving around the phrase "if everyone works toegther, then everyone wins" will see communism surpass any other government type.
tl;dr=>Communism is efficient, average wage increases, couple of problems that can be solved.
Now for your viewing pleasure:
He may be a communist=>
Are you a commie or a citizen?=>
and the awesome spoof Better dead than red=>