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Re: Abortion: Why so serious? (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #60 on: April 21, 2010, 04:07:21 pm »
IMO the real debate about abortion is whether or not you should have to deal with the consequences of your actions, or if you should be able to do whatever you want and not have to deal with it.'

Cause&Effect. You dont want a baby? Keep those hormones in check.
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Re: Abortion: Why so serious? (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #61 on: April 21, 2010, 05:00:22 pm »
Cause&Effect. You dont want a baby? Keep those hormones in check.
Tell that to rape victims.

Abortion is a choice people should be offered, period. If your religion tells you it's wrong, don't have it.
So long and thanks for all the fish!

Offline BluePriest

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Re: Abortion: Why so serious? (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #62 on: April 21, 2010, 11:20:42 pm »
Cause&Effect. You dont want a baby? Keep those hormones in check.
Tell that to rape victims.

Abortion is a choice people should be offered, period. If your religion tells you it's wrong, don't have it.
Pro-Life in all circumstances. That is my personal belief for me. however, in a debate I would never take that stance. This is my stance for this conversation.

Choice If and ONLY IF
2)The parents life is at stake.

And if my religion says killing is ok, does that mean I can do it?
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Re: Abortion: Why so serious? (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #63 on: April 22, 2010, 08:13:04 am »
Then your religion sucks :P (Just kidding... no, not the selfproclaimed jesUS Army ! Argh !).

More seriously, maybe some of you will have to face an unwanted pregnancy (father or mother side), accidents happen... Then, maybe you'll look at it differently.
And trust me, even when it's a false alarm, if you and your girlfriend think an unwanted baby is on the road, it's a really complicated situation with a lot of emotion in it.

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Re: Abortion: Why so serious? (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #64 on: April 22, 2010, 01:17:35 pm »
the rights of full-grown adults to kill themselves (by being soldiers)
What you are doing in this situation
1)They are making as choice that effects themselves.
2)You dont KNOW you are going to die. Most come home alive (on the winning side anyways :P)
3)You are (on the side considered "good" by history) doing something for the greater good.

What you are doing in the abortion situation
1)Making a choice on something/someone elses behalf (the fetus/baby, however you look at it)
2)The Man in the relationship isnt considered. Soley up to the guy.
3)There is no greater good, and the majority of time people are having an abortion because of an inconvenice.

Well said, and +Karma for it. 

If the arguments that I heard from the pro-choice people that I talk to in the street* were as well-thought-out and coherent as that, I would have a totally different perspective on the pro-choice stance.   Instead, what I hear is "all life is sacred" in one breath, and then "kill the towelheads" in the next.  :(

And as to 'jail for life' being the alternative to capital punishment, I don't believe that either.  A simple lobotomy and even psychopaths can rejoin society and life a fulfilling, if simple, life; a life in which they continue to pay taxes instead of getting tax money spent on them (which, if we're being honest, is the only REAL problem with life-in-prison.) 

Similarly, rapists should be castrated, burglars (including white-collar criminals) should have everything they own auctioned off and the profits spent on having an RFID chip planted deep into their bodies that continuously report their location to the nearest police department, and lesser criminals should be put on a three-strike policy that ends in the most relevant of the above three.

Drunk drivers, by the way, should have their car auctioned off and the proceeds used to pay the medical bills for the victims of drunk driving.  On the first offense.  No exceptions. [/rant]

So, yeah.  My opinon, etc. :)

(*my hometown being a US State capital, I get a lot of political talk from people on the street)
If something happens and you think it deserves my attention, feel free to PM me. Other than that, I'm probably here if you want to shoot the breeze.


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Re: Abortion: Why so serious? (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #65 on: April 22, 2010, 02:29:04 pm »
If you are pro choice, you can not be an animal rights activist. Because if the baby is not human, it is still some type of animal. Why fight for a dog, if you wont fight for the baby, even if you dont consider it human. That just doesnt make any sense.
It does make sense because those are two totally different things.

You see those animal rights activists are not talking about animal abortions. They are talking about humans exploiting and torturing animals in a cruel way for our own benefit. If there were baby farms, where small babies were forced to live in small cages an tortured, you can bet that animal rights activists would have a BIG problem with that, just like any other human being would have.

I'm not an animal rights activist by any means. I eat meat, wear leather, all that. But I do feel bad when I see how some animals are treated like crap, knowing that I am making it possible by buying their products. I try to use as much "non-torture" products as I can but it's not always possible.

However this thread is not about animal rights so I'll show myself out.


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Re: Abortion: Why so serious? (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #66 on: April 22, 2010, 09:12:32 pm »

And if my religion says killing is ok, does that mean I can do it?
Some religions tell people to kill infidels who follow other "false" gods (no reference intended), so they do kill them. I'm not saying that i see this as ok in any way, its not, but to those people its the right thing to do because thats what their religion tells them to do. its all a matter of perspective.

Offline BluePriest

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Re: Abortion: Why so serious? (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #67 on: April 22, 2010, 11:14:43 pm »
If you are pro choice, you can not be an animal rights activist. Because if the baby is not human, it is still some type of animal. Why fight for a dog, if you wont fight for the baby, even if you dont consider it human. That just doesnt make any sense.
It does make sense because those are two totally different things.

You see those animal rights activists are not talking about animal abortions. They are talking about humans exploiting and torturing animals in a cruel way for our own benefit. If there were baby farms, where small babies were forced to live in small cages an tortured, you can bet that animal rights activists would have a BIG problem with that, just like any other human being would have.

I'm not an animal rights activist by any means. I eat meat, wear leather, all that. But I do feel bad when I see how some animals are treated like crap, knowing that I am making it possible by buying their products. I try to use as much "non-torture" products as I can but it's not always possible.

However this thread is not about animal rights so I'll show myself out.
The point I was trying to make with that, is that there are some that consider that you shouldnt kill animals either, not just cruel and unusual punishment. My comparison was mainly for the ones that say that animals should be treated as humans in all aspects, including killing them. Although, as you well put, it is limited to that.

the rights of full-grown adults to kill themselves (by being soldiers)
What you are doing in this situation
1)They are making as choice that effects themselves.
2)You dont KNOW you are going to die. Most come home alive (on the winning side anyways :P)
3)You are (on the side considered "good" by history) doing something for the greater good.

What you are doing in the abortion situation
1)Making a choice on something/someone elses behalf (the fetus/baby, however you look at it)
2)The Man in the relationship isnt considered. Soley up to the guy.
3)There is no greater good, and the majority of time people are having an abortion because of an inconvenice.

Well said, and +Karma for it. 

If the arguments that I heard from the pro-choice people that I talk to in the street* were as well-thought-out and coherent as that, I would have a totally different perspective on the pro-choice stance.   Instead, what I hear is "all life is sacred" in one breath, and then "kill the towelheads" in the next.  :(

And as to 'jail for life' being the alternative to capital punishment, I don't believe that either.  A simple lobotomy and even psychopaths can rejoin society and life a fulfilling, if simple, life; a life in which they continue to pay taxes instead of getting tax money spent on them (which, if we're being honest, is the only REAL problem with life-in-prison.) 

Similarly, rapists should be castrated, burglars (including white-collar criminals) should have everything they own auctioned off and the profits spent on having an RFID chip planted deep into their bodies that continuously report their location to the nearest police department, and lesser criminals should be put on a three-strike policy that ends in the most relevant of the above three.

Drunk drivers, by the way, should have their car auctioned off and the proceeds used to pay the medical bills for the victims of drunk driving.  On the first offense.  No exceptions. [/rant]

So, yeah.  My opinon, etc. :)

(*my hometown being a US State capital, I get a lot of political talk from people on the street)
And yeah, I see a lot of that too. It angers me. People are shallow with how they portray their beliefs a lot of times. People that dont have any more argument than what you mentioned, then they just hurt whatever cause they are trying to help.
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Re: Abortion: Why so serious? (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #68 on: May 03, 2010, 05:42:14 pm »
Another gem from real-life in the world of elective abortion.  It appears not all abortions are even freely chosen by the mother herself:

Bring back Holy Cow!

Offline BluePriest

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Re: Abortion: Why so serious? (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #69 on: May 03, 2010, 07:06:10 pm »
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Re: Abortion: Why so serious? (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #70 on: May 06, 2010, 01:07:46 am »
I'm Pro-Life.
The only abortions I beleive in, is before 3 months,(when the brain & nerves start to develope more)
and by choice, or ABSOLUTE NECCESITY(If it doesn't happen, the mother and child will die)
My question to those to support abortion:
What if your mother chose to abort you?


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Re: Abortion: Why so serious? (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #71 on: May 09, 2010, 01:19:51 am »
My question to those to support abortion:
What if your mother chose to abort you?
I'd support her decision for whatever reason it was.

I'm neutral when it comes to abortions. I think that people should have the choice to do whatever they want. They'll have to live with the consequences of their decisions.

