the rights of full-grown adults to kill themselves (by being soldiers)
What you are doing in this situation
1)They are making as choice that effects themselves.
2)You dont KNOW you are going to die. Most come home alive (on the winning side anyways
3)You are (on the side considered "good" by history) doing something for the greater good.
What you are doing in the abortion situation
1)Making a choice on something/someone elses behalf (the fetus/baby, however you look at it)
2)The Man in the relationship isnt considered. Soley up to the guy.
3)There is no greater good, and the majority of time people are having an abortion because of an inconvenice.
Well said, and +Karma for it.
If the arguments that I heard from the pro-choice people that I talk to in the street* were as well-thought-out and coherent as that, I would have a totally different perspective on the pro-choice stance. Instead, what I hear is "all life is sacred" in one breath, and then "kill the towelheads" in the next.

And as to 'jail for life' being the alternative to capital punishment, I don't believe that either. A simple lobotomy and even psychopaths can rejoin society and life a fulfilling, if simple, life; a life in which they continue to pay taxes instead of getting tax money spent on them (which, if we're being honest, is the only REAL problem with life-in-prison.)
Similarly, rapists should be castrated, burglars (including white-collar criminals) should have everything they own auctioned off and the profits spent on having an RFID chip planted deep into their bodies that continuously report their location to the nearest police department, and lesser criminals should be put on a three-strike policy that ends in the most relevant of the above three.
Drunk drivers, by the way, should have their car auctioned off and the proceeds used to pay the medical bills for the victims of drunk driving. On the first offense. No exceptions. [/rant]
So, yeah. My opinon, etc.

(*my hometown being a US State capital, I get a lot of political talk from people on the street)