Pro-Life in all circumstances. That is my personal belief for me. however, in a debate I would never take that stance. This is my stance for this conversation.
Choice If and ONLY IF
2)The parents life is at stake.
Aside from that, theres not a good reason to have an abortion aside from wanting to try to cover up your mistakes.
A baby can survive outside of the womb at 21 weeks. It can feel pain by 20 weeks.
If you are pro choice, you can not be an animal rights activist. Because if the baby is not human, it is still some type of animal. Why fight for a dog, if you wont fight for the baby, even if you dont consider it human. That just doesnt make any sense.
You're right, it is nearly impossible to make this comparison. The man has developed higher emotions and bonds where the fetus has but instincts. In terms of "value" the man is worth more. A terrible thing to say but true none the less.
I disagree with this logic. Heres why.
Lets take stocks for an example.
Stock 1 is worth 1 dollar
Stock 2 is worth 50 dollars
Which has more worth?
Looks like stock 2 does, doesnt it?
However. The next day, you come back and look at the stocks again.
Stock 1 is now worth 100 dollars,
Stock 2 is worth 25 dollars.
You dont know the future. If I knew stock 1 was going to jump That much, then when I first looked at it, I would have chosen that 1 right away, because to me, it would be a better investment.
Same thing applies here. For all you know, the 45 year old is about to turn into a hitler fanatic, and try to follow in his footsteps, and the fetus would find a cure for cancer.