Theoretically, there are 'stages' of abortion that could potentially be amoral and or expensive when done.
I think it requires more than just an education or a set of religious beliefs on the issue at hand. To me, how, when, and
specifically why a pregnant woman/lady/girl would abort their child is much more vital than the "Pro-life/Pro-choice" crowds, as the solution should be based on the circumstances. If a mother was going to die alongside the child if she tried to force a natural (or artificial) birth, would it not be right to save at least one person of the situation? If a girl just decided two weeks before her due date that she didn't feel like taking care of her potential kid, why would anyone give her that privilege of just ridding herself of a near year's worth of effort to grow life?
Abortions that occur at clinics due to poor prevention methods (see planned parenthood/failure to use BCPs & condoms correctly) or because people can (they choose to engage in activities that are generally deemed unsafe or risky of causing STD's and pregnancy) are an unfortunate side effect of the issue. If used correctly, an 'abortion' is really just a last-minute emergency option when everything else has been exhausted to save the possible mother at question. It's a tool for doctors to
save lives; the people who kill the doctors are just overzealous extremists who would probably be swayed by other masses to do other horrible crimes if they could.
...Luckily, I don't plan on ever wanting to have children.
Not to mention I couldn't even if I wanted to, due to all these ridiculous state laws.
I don't despise life (even if kids are annoying), but at the same time, I'm not willing to raise or give birth to a child that I know I'm not old enough or ready to take care of. Aside from that, making a reference from Batman to this topic is... a little bit odd.