160hp, 60 wisdom, 2x card draw, 3x mark
wins: 59 losses: 8 rank: 12 rating: 328 age: 7

I decided to just be a jerk with quicksands and black holes :p The deck has enough denial that it managed to win two games last night with only 32hp max. Quick funny story: I was playing in plat league yesterday against a gravity/earth duo. It quicksanded all my pillars, black holed all my quanta, played chargers, shriekers, flying pulvies, and overdrives. I was thinking to myself... what an asshole :p Then I realized... that's almost exactly my arena deck :p (it wasn't mine, but very close)
Today's card is lycanthrope.
edit: Heh, the deck won another game as I was posting this. I think I'll leave it up and see how it does, but I'll switch to the lycan sometime later today.
edit: The deck got 4 more losses and no wins while I was at work

Not too surprising, though, with 32hp.