195hp, 60 wisdom, 2x card draw, 2x mark
wins: 51 losses: 7 rank: 23 rating: 257 age: 7

Yeah, looks familiar, doesn't it? :p I decided to tweak it a bit from last time by removing all of the permanents (imp fog shield, fahrenheit) so that there was nothing to steal or explode, and added in a shockwave and basilisk blood in their place. I also put in another explosion instead of a ball lightning. Unfortunately, the changes were for the worse, as you can see. The deck did make it into the top ten, even though it did worse than the previous immorush I posted. Looking back at the lava golem deck, I think that the only reason it didn't make #1 was because the deck that was #1 was REALLY good at the time; it was ahead significantly in ratings, almost 100 I think. (I think it belonged to matrimkk if I remember) This time, there weren't any decks that were way ahead of everyone else in rating.
Today's card is Pegasus, which will be interesting. I'm not sure what I'll do with it yet, but at least whatever it is, it won't be a stupid immorush again.