My home computer is down (motherboard crapped out) so I'm posting this from work at lunch, so no pretty images or anything.
win/loss: 20-7, thumbs ups: 6/20, age: 9 (this could be wrong by a couple days, since I haven't played elements since about Tue/Wed due to computer issues)
Deck contents: (60 cards, everything upgraded unless noted otherwise) (190hp, double draw, triple mark, max upgrades)
5x thunderstorm
6x flying weapon (deliberately unupped to use mark quanta)
21x amethyst tower
6x Maxwell's Demon
6x Amethyst Dragon
6x Discord
2x Sky Dragon
2x Sky Blitz
2x Improved Fog
4x Shard of Freedom
I was initially going for the synergy between thunderstorm and maxwell's demon. Since the AI is prone to just thunderstorm for pretty much no reason, I figured that at least with demons out, it might then kill something with paradox that way. Everything else pretty much got filled in around that. Today's card is forest spirit.