200hp, 60 wisdom, 2x card draw, 2x mark
Oracle Card: CHRYSAORA
wins: 77 losses: 6 rank: 1 rating: 574 age: 7

Somebody gave my deck the 6th loss in the last few minutes... shame on them! I'm posting the deck now because I'm going to add SoD in place of some cards to compensate for the 72hp max it has now. I doubt it'll survive for long with that hp penalty, but I'll keep it going as long as I can, and hopefully some of you will get some nice electrum out of it!
The lone puffer was because I figured the deck would get a lot of water quanta piling up quickly (the reason why I only had double mark and maxed everything else) that it didn't need. Even with only 2/6 upped SoSas it managed to do very well; I can't really complain. For the record, rank #1 gives 5x electrum rewards, which I didn't know until now, as the best I have achieved in the arena is rank #2 before this.
edit: I've tweaked the deck slightly to account for the 1hp max, including a 3x mark for hp that no longer helps. I'm still 85-12 and rank #3 and it's day 9... wtf?
edi: 87-19 / rank 46... still keeping the deck up until tomorrow because my card was turtle shield... yuck.
edit: 89/24 on day 10...

Light Pend today from oracle; I think I'll just leave this up so you can farm SoSa/SoD from me, though. I'm too lazy to figure out a good light deck this morning.
edit: 91-27 on day 11, and rank 435. Acceleration is the card today, so I'm skipping that and seeing if the deck can survive another day.
edit: 93-29 on day 11 and the deck finally dropped out of the top 500. It got 16 wins and 23 losses while at 1 hp :p My card was acceleration, so I'll just put up a farm until tomorrow. Enjoy!