did you confuse rating with rank? maybe your deck suffered from bh, inserted in many speedbows and killer of your deck...
Probably :p I switched them, since it didn't look right to have a negative rank!
200hp, 60 wisdom, 2x card draw, 2x mark
wins: 24 losses: 7 rank: 300 rating: -24 age: 4

Worst. Ghostmare. Ever. The SoSas were me trying to put my own touch on things, but maybe it antisynergized with the nightmare hp gain too much. I've never really understood how come ghostmare does so well in arena, since I usually beat them pretty easily with my arena farmer. I made sure to include steals for sanctuaries and two hourglasses, because the ghostmares that do the best against me are the ones that steal my hourglasses and draw with them :p I suppose I'll just have to learn to build a better ghostmare... never done it before :p
Today's card is toadfish. Not sure what I'll do with that, maybe monowater, water/air, or water/life, but ghostmare is boring, and I suck, so my ghostmare sucks too, so it's changing.