| Level | 78 | Health Points | 62/190 | Max Upgraded | 60 | Oracle Upgraded | 5 | Mark Multiplier | 3X | Card(s) per Turn | 2X | Deck Size | 2X |
| Win:Loss | 42:15 | Electrum Earned | 708 | Rank | 660 | Rating | -129 | Age (days) | 7 | Thumbs Up? | 17 | Thumbs Down? | 25 |
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
71k 71k 71k 71k 71k 6rs 6rs 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 713 713 713 713 713 713 71e 71e 71e 71u 71u 71u 7ta 7ta 7ti 7ti 7ti 8pt
A slight twist on the monodeath rush. Tower shields were used instead of skull bucklers because 1) blocks 2 damage instead of 1, 2) eclipse buffs enemy skeletons created by skull shield, 3) it is easier to play because there will be extra darkness quanta, 4) Nobody uses tower shield.
Today's card is unstable gas. I'll see what interesting deck I can come up with here. I'll check if I ever did the firestall/UG thing I thought about once, and if not, do that; if I have done that, I'll find something else. edit: I have done it, but the image is gone, because it was on imageshack before we had the modern arena tools.