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Re: The Dragon's Arena Decks https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28528.msg1127946#msg1127946
« Reply #516 on: February 27, 2014, 07:08:37 pm »
I built this, remembering how Laxadarap (I think it was him, anyway) told me about losing in 2 turns against a platinum version of this deck.  Apparently I didn't get anything that cool hatched.  (I'll edit this post once I know what the next oracle card is)

I'm honored ;)
My signature is too messy to read >.<

Offline dragonsdemesneTopic starter

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  • Leeeeeeeeeeroyyyyyyyyy....
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Re: The Dragon's Arena Decks https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28528.msg1127950#msg1127950
« Reply #517 on: February 27, 2014, 07:45:14 pm »
I wasnt talking about BB... I was talking about sofo and auburn nymph from your last deck. Auburn is black hole not BB.. ;) I cant wait to see you edit your post now haha

EDIT: bluntly; I got confused. Anyway you know what I meant. I thought I was right because you replied as if I made sense, going back now I dont know how you thought I made sense and could form a reply.

I thought you had looked at the 'harem' in my signature and saw that I have 3 auburn nymphs (the real auburn one with BB :p) and so I thought you were asking why I didn't do a red nymph/auburn nymph deck to utilize rage pot + BB on your own creatures, and I replied that I didn't think the AI would do that, and even if it did, that it would be too slow.  It didn't even occur to me that you were referring to the amber nymphs.

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  • dragonsdemesne shines with the light of the Morning Glory!dragonsdemesne shines with the light of the Morning Glory!dragonsdemesne shines with the light of the Morning Glory!dragonsdemesne shines with the light of the Morning Glory!dragonsdemesne shines with the light of the Morning Glory!dragonsdemesne shines with the light of the Morning Glory!dragonsdemesne shines with the light of the Morning Glory!dragonsdemesne shines with the light of the Morning Glory!dragonsdemesne shines with the light of the Morning Glory!dragonsdemesne shines with the light of the Morning Glory!dragonsdemesne shines with the light of the Morning Glory!dragonsdemesne shines with the light of the Morning Glory!
  • Leeeeeeeeeeroyyyyyyyyy....
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Re: The Dragon's Arena Decks https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28528.msg1128021#msg1128021
« Reply #518 on: February 28, 2014, 07:14:27 am »
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7ae 7ae 7ae 7ae 7ae 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ah 7ah 7ah 7ah 7ah 7ah 7al 7am 7am 7am 7ap 7ap 7ap 7gq 7gq 7gq 7gr 7gr 7gr 7hi 7hi 7hi 8pp

This was not particularly creative, and it's neither doing well nor being favoured by the community, and the oracle decided to be very kind to me again, and gifted me with a nice blue nymph :)  So I'll try to make a clever deck around that.  I am going to base it on a deck someone has used against me in league play. (but I won't say who, in order to keep their strategy secret)

edit: If -anybody- thumbs down the deck I have up now... they should be shot, drawn and quartered, hung, and then fed to wild dogs.  (in whichever order)

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Re: The Dragon's Arena Decks https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28528.msg1128055#msg1128055
« Reply #519 on: February 28, 2014, 05:11:35 pm »
Don't forget to change profile picture. 8)
And we keep driving into the night
It's a late goodbye, such a late goodbye...

~ Platinum Quest ~

Offline CrockettRocket

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Re: The Dragon's Arena Decks https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28528.msg1128093#msg1128093
« Reply #520 on: February 28, 2014, 08:46:25 pm »
Pretty hard to hang a man whose been fed to dogs.
A world war? Am I invited?
Thanks to skotadi for saying this in chat. Made me laugh pretty hard, and fits with me not getting drafted. :silly:

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Re: The Dragon's Arena Decks https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28528.msg1128135#msg1128135
« Reply #521 on: March 01, 2014, 01:00:38 am »
Don't forget to change profile picture. 8)

Oh yeah :p  I forgot, because I'd had Wheel of Fortune up for only like 4 days, it still seemed new.  I'll put a new one up.

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7ng 7ng 7ng 7ng 7ng 4so 4so 4sr 4ss 4ss 4su 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5s4 5s4 62c 62c 7gq 7hi 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q7 7tb 80s 816 816 816 816 816 816 81q 81q 81q 81q 81q 81q 81q 81q 8ps

Attention everyone!  At high noon today, there will be a quadruple public execution.  The crime: nonappreciation of an incredibly cool and pimp arena deck.  Seriously, the awesomeness of this deck cannot be understated.  When I saw the league deck that I loosely based this on, I thought it was one of the coolest league decks I'd ever seen.  (my changes were adding SoW instead of quints, and using quint creatures and some of the other one-of cards, for more pimpness)

I don't have my next oracle card yet, and with this deck at rank 502, maybe it will even get bumped up and sneak in some more plays.  We'll see...  (fingers crossed for death nymph to get a double set of all nymphs!)

Offline CrockettRocket

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Re: The Dragon's Arena Decks https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28528.msg1128148#msg1128148
« Reply #522 on: March 01, 2014, 04:40:33 am »
Don't forget to update your Harem!
A world war? Am I invited?
Thanks to skotadi for saying this in chat. Made me laugh pretty hard, and fits with me not getting drafted. :silly:

Offline dragonsdemesneTopic starter

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  • Leeeeeeeeeeroyyyyyyyyy....
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Re: The Dragon's Arena Decks https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28528.msg1128999#msg1128999
« Reply #523 on: March 09, 2014, 08:17:06 am »
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6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6tt 6tt 6tt 6tt 6tt 6tt 6tv 6tv 6tv 6tv 6u5 6u5 7dl 7dl 7dl 7dm 7dm 7dm 7do 7do 7do 7ds 7ds 8po

I figured this should earn points for creativity (it did) but I was stunned that it lasted eight days.  I thought it wouldn't last more than a day or two at the most, since it seems like it should lose to common arena grinders (pdials beats it every time unless discord lands early, swallow beats it pretty much every time, for instance) but maybe I'm wrong... who knows?  Anyway, it did far better than expected.

Today's card is momentum.  I'll try to find something fun to do with that.  Also, the latest batch of tourney codes came in, and I had a mark code from the plants vs zombies 2 tourney, so I took a mark of water in honour of the fact that I used water in I think every deck that day.  It was a choice between earth/light/life/water, since those were the 4 elements plants could use, and then narrowed down to life/water, since I have doubles of earth/light already.  I think I used water more than life that day, so I went with water, though I know I used life a lot as well.

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Re: The Dragon's Arena Decks https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28528.msg1129026#msg1129026
« Reply #524 on: March 09, 2014, 05:53:01 pm »
Today's card is momentum.  I'll try to find something fun to do with that.  Also, the latest batch of tourney codes came in, and I had a mark code from the plants vs zombies 2 tourney, so I took a mark of water in honour of the fact that I used water in I think every deck that day.  It was a choice between earth/light/life/water, since those were the 4 elements plants could use, and then narrowed down to life/water, since I have doubles of earth/light already.  I think I used water more than life that day, so I went with water, though I know I used life a lot as well.
You had to use at least 5 life creatures in each deck so you must have used it in every game. But you definitely used water as well in both of the decks that you beat me with (and I think it was the water cards that were the deciding cards both times; Squid and then Trident).

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  • Leeeeeeeeeeroyyyyyyyyy....
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Re: The Dragon's Arena Decks https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28528.msg1129051#msg1129051
« Reply #525 on: March 09, 2014, 08:31:54 pm »

Yeah, looking at my decks there, I should have actually picked a mark of life :p  Oh, well; it's not that big a deal, since I'm spreading my marks out evenly anyway.  I'm going to try and get two of each; after that, I'll either focus on a few, or do the same thing over again for three.  If mark of chroma becomes available, I'll be focusing on those, though, because I like my fat rainbow decks :p

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  • Leeeeeeeeeeroyyyyyyyyy....
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Re: The Dragon's Arena Decks https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28528.msg1129754#msg1129754
« Reply #526 on: March 16, 2014, 04:27:12 pm »
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74a 74a 74a 74a 74a 71a 71e 71e 71e 71e 71e 71e 71u 71u 71u 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 74a 74f 74f 74f 74f 74f 74f 752 752 752 752 752 752 8pk

This wasn't particularly imaginative, but it seems to have been reasonably effective.  Pretty hard to SoSa once you only have 57 max hp, though... :p  Today's card is horned frog.

Offline CrockettRocket

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Re: The Dragon's Arena Decks https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28528.msg1129760#msg1129760
« Reply #527 on: March 16, 2014, 06:50:33 pm »
I would normally assume the AI would BH while under sosac. But after looking at those stats... it doesn't?

EDIT: Or does Bh heal while sosa is active?
A world war? Am I invited?
Thanks to skotadi for saying this in chat. Made me laugh pretty hard, and fits with me not getting drafted. :silly:

