190hp, 60 wisdom, 2x card draw, 2x mark
wins: 59 losses: 6 rank: 25 rating: 254 age: 7

I don't have much experience making speedbows, so I looked at a few on the forums, got some ideas, and then changed it up a bit based on my own preferences. I'm pretty happy with how it did. 4 of the losses came in the first 15-20 games, so I was kinda worried it sucked at first, but it picked up speed later. I was a bit worried at age 6 that the deck would suck, and I had flooding that day so I had to keep it, but it only got 1 loss.
Today I needed a good card, bad, with only 62hp left, and the oracle favoured me with lava golem again. I'll see if I can do it better this time!
edit: yup, this is way better than my last lava golem deck. I think I've only had two decks so far that had a higher ranking, and those took longer than 2 days to do it. Too bad I had to do it with such a cheap ass card, but hey, I'll take what I can get. The deck is slightly unique, however, as I added my own twist to it, but at its core it's just another stupid cremation golem rush.

edit: Need moar plays. MOAR.

This is the highest I've achieved so far with any deck. I think my best previously was about 17th-18th; I'd have to scroll up to find which one that was, but probably the minor phoenix stall one. I'm hoping this one makes it to the top, even if it is with fire.
edit: 57-0 on the lava golem deck now. Thanks all for the tips the last time I got that card and had a crappy deck; it seems to have helped! Rank is at 4, so I might actually have a shot at the top with this one

edit: Still rank #4, because some shmo beat my deck... it's 64-1 now :p
edit: Rank #2 now with 75-2 record. That might get a bit worse; the deck only has 62 hp now. Rember is pretty far ahead in rating; I dunno if I can take that #1 spot.