185hp, 60 wisdom, 2x card draw, 3x mark
Oracle Card: ICE BOLT
wins: 35 losses: 9 rank: >500 Rating: -99 age: 6
Thumbs ups: 15/35
Well, I was very happy with my last deck's thumbs up ratio (14/35) and this was just that slightly bit even better, so I'm quite happy with the performance. I actually thought this deck was going to suck pretty bad, but it did very well until today. When I went to work this morning, I think it was 32-4 or 32-5. The drop from a -32 to a -64 hp penalty seemed to affect the deck quite badly. I think the reason is because the deck sits there stalling for awhile, bolting whatever needs to die, and then usually rips out a sudden OTK for the win, and losing another 32 hp on day 6 meant that it probably wasn't able to buy enough time for that.
The basic idea when I was planning the deck was just to use all the bolts :p Since fire lances do more damage than the other two, I built the quanta base around having twice as much fire as the other two; that lent to the logical inclusion of fahrenheits. After that, I still had some slots, so I used purifies to beat poison. I don't think this deck had any problems with SoSa-based decks, because it could simply outwait the SoSa chain, as most of the damage comes from spells, and the myriad of bolts should handle most creature-based decks, but there was no healing besides the incidental healing from siphon life. Then I figured that steals are never a bad thing, so I included a bunch of those, and then to try and balance out water and darkness, I added a couple steam machines. Looking at the pendulum split, I should have actually had something like +2-3 dark pend -2-3 water pend, since slightly more darkness is actually used, yet I have more water pends.
The biggest weaknesses to the deck were probably immortal creatures, 500hp SS/miracle decks, OTKs, and anybody using reflective/emerald shields. The deck probably did as well as it did because none of those things are really common plat grinders (as far as I know) and beats some of the more common archetypes, like pdials, splat, and so on. It probably beats rol/hope as well, even the SoP version, as the steals would be taking those.
Today's card is empathic bond. I'll look at my history and base my decision on that. Not sure what I'll do yet...