180hp, 60 wisdom, 2x card draw, 3x mark
Oracle Card: LIGHTNING
wins: 37 losses: 10 rank: 91 Rating: 89 age: 7
(forgot to post deck image... oops)
deck contents: (all upped)
5x thunderbolt
6x nymph's tears
3x purify
6x shard of wisdom
15x aether pendulum
16/37 thumbs up
I'm fairly pleased with this deck. It did better than I thought, and made it the full week. It might've made it that one more day, but with 52hp, I'm not holding out too much hope, and either way, there's not too much point leaving it up while it's that low; it'll probably lose nearly every game if I leave it around. It also got more thumbs ups than I thought, as I had been thinking people might hate the immortal aspect of the turquoise nymphs created by the tears, but apparently people didn't mind too much; it got at least an average thumbs up ratio, so that didn't seen to bother most people. It's very simple in concept; spam aether nymphs, who then quint themselves, and SoW them to get past most shields. Instantly loses to any reflective shield, since even the thunderbolts are blocked, but those are rarely played, so it probably didn't happen too often. The purifies were for the ever ubiquitous SoSa farmers, of course, since they'd have trashed this deck otherwise.
Today's card is empathic bond. I've had that one before, so I'll have to check what I've done in the past, and do something else. I'm thinking maybe mitosis and something a little unconventional, but we'll see...