200hp, 60 wisdom, 2x card draw, 2x mark
Oracle Card: NOVA
wins: 15 losses: 7 rank: >500 Rating: -121 age: 2

This deck doesn't have a lot of counters (assuming the AI plays right, which is a *huge* assumption!) but there are a few, notably things like shard of sacrifice, bone wall, sundial, reflective shields, and, if the AI doesn't wait for SoW (which we all know it won't), then rewind and a few other CC spells capable of dealing with 20/20 monstrosities. With several modifications, I've used a deck something like this in league, though with unupped novas and no shards of focus, though I might change that last part. It does quite well there, and I've won with it and lost to it several times. In arena, not so much, although it's definitely not the optimal build here, partly due to having to use supernovas, and also because I was just silly with this build :p I did think it would do a little better than it did, though, but I'm sure the AI snafued with it a lot. The good news is, if you beat this deck, you probably got some really kickass spins

(another reason I built it the way I did)
Spun Hammer today. What I'll do with that, I haven't decided. Flying gavels has been done to death, and another good possibility is cremation rush with earth mark for golems/gavels, but that's been done a lot as well. I can't think of anything else off the top of my head that can make use of ten gavels, but I'll figure some silly deck out.