im using a library comp so i am a little limited
hp: 200
upped card limit: 60
powers mark: 2
doubles car drawing: 2
6 damselfly (upped) fast! very fast. works great with freedom and generates quanta.... epinephrine!
4 firefly queens (unupped) cause i want the light quanta for the miracles and the sundials.... epinephrine!
4 air pendulums (unipped) just cause im still working on upping everything
2 emerald towers (upped) yeah quanta
4 epinephrine (upped)epinephrine! epinephrine! epinephrine!
2 life pendulems (upped) more quanta
3 improved miricles (upped)cause these are soooo annoying in the arena
6 shard of freedoms (upped)makes targeting single unites impossible and shields.... what shields?
3 sundial (upped)great way to stall for a turn or two to get the freedoms out or hit with miracle
i tested this deck with a variety of decks, my poison dials was the only one that i could win against this set up
currently in 4th place in plat!!!!
31 wins
1 loss
4 days old
i dont normally post these but im rather excited. lol
i wanted a speed deck with a lot of hp. thats brutal in arena. but i wanted to make it even more of a b!*ch
so i added the miracles and the sundials. it is still very fast with the slight stall.