| Level | 65 | Health Points | 1/175 | Max Upgraded | 60 | Oracle Upgraded | 5 | Mark Multiplier | 2X | Card(s) per Turn | 2X | Deck Size | 2X |
| Win:Loss | 32:7 | Electrum Earned | 576 | Rank | 125 | Rating | 18 | Age (days) | 8 | Thumbs Up? | 16 | Thumbs Down? | 16 |
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Had been quite busy for a while, so haven't submitted an arena deck since that Unstable Gas one. This one's directly inspired by Afdarenty's team Air's War #8 deck.
It started off really well, got 20-0 and reached the top 10 at day 4... then it got a grand total of
six plays between day 4 and 6.
Day 7 brought a lot of losses with its low HP, and the deck's ranking dropped into the 100s. The best I saw it get was rank 6 - think this could have easily made the top 5 if it got more consistent play time.