Simple idea, but looks good
Have you thought about using Firestorm? Mass creature removal and feeds the bone walls. Also, I would think that it needs a couple more towers; 9/35 is barely a quarter of the deck. It shouldn't need as many towers as most decks, given your death cards are pretty cheap, but even so I'd think you'd need about 2 more. Also, if you have a 6th flesh recluse, use that instead of an elite mummy; its +1 attack will be better in all situations except against reverse time.
Yeah, I already fixed the recluse/mummy thing, let me update that in a sec.
And about the firestorm, I already tested that, and it didn't work as good at this somehow.
Also I have a mark times 2, because of you don't need the 2 quanta in your first trun most times, because there won't be a creature so fast, otherwise you can bolt it.
The turn after that you have 3 fire quanta so enough for a rage dosis.
And about the towers, this works good as it is now, I don't know what to remove, cause I need pretty much everything.
Thanks for the tips!
EDIT: I made a mark x3, changes in first post.
I'll change my mark to 2 again, if it's going to lose HP
Than I'll put my lance in there again too.