| Level | 76 | Health Points | 1/180 | Max Upgraded | 60 | Oracle Upgraded | 5 | Mark Multiplier | 3X | Card(s) per Turn | 2X | Deck Size | 2X |
| Win:Loss | 41:19 | Electrum Earned | 780 | Rank | 192 | Rating | 62 | Age (days) | 9 | Thumbs Up? | 24 | Thumbs Down? | 17 |
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
77k 77k 77k 77k 77k 59c 59c 59c 59c 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 77a 77a 77a 77a 77a 77i 77j 77j 77j 77j 77l 77l 77l 77l 77l 78q 78q 78q 78q 78q 78q 78q 78q 78q 78q 7ak 7ap 7ap 7ap 7ap 7ba 7ba 7ba 7ba 7ba 7ba 8pn
VERY satisfied with this combination.

The highest this deck went up to was Rank 7 with a total of something like 35 wins and only 9 losses, with a decent chance at first place at the 5 day mark. Sadly, it began dropping once the HP was at a point where Stone Skin + Gratitude couldn't outheal/outstall quick rushes or 1-ATK creature pets w/coin toss, but overall I'm glad that this one managed to stay up for a decent period of time.
In retrospect, adding a little bit more damage and less generation (Mitosis) might have made this deck more formidable, but the general format of this one was good enough.