Old trees it does matter though. I am not talking about morals. I am simply asking is there a reason someone should do as God says even if your ending is the same as someone who doesn't do as God says?
Are people just following God for heaven or would they still follow God without Heaven? If yes, then what for?
When I run a race, why am I doing it? Let's assume I am running it for the trophy. "Hey guys, there is no reward at the end of the race."
When I run a race, why am I doing it? Let's assume I am running for the exercise. "Hey guys, God said you will burn no calories if you run this race."
When I run a race, why am I doing it? Let's assume I am running for the fun of it. "Hey guys, this race is going to be hard, not fun, and most likely a waste of your time."
When I run a race, why am I doing it? Let's assume I am running...What I am trying to say is it is not INSINCERE to do something for a goal, but some goals are insincere such as Heaven or fear of Hell.
Is there a reason to do as God says if there is no reward for it or no meaning to it? That in my mind is like you manager asking you to come to work, but you won't get paid. Only reason I can think of is if you respect God enough...but does that matter if in the end you'll die.