How do you think people came about? Science says evolution, but where did what we evolve from come from? And where did that come from?
Edit: According to OT it is not evolution. So besides the science outlook, how else can we look at this question?
I think every thing is an active possibility, stemming from previous possibilities, like a family tree. Now i assume that the first possibility had to be a paradox, or created itself, so i'm stuck.
Is existence a paradox?
So what are your thoughts?
Well, I hate to break it to you, but you -- just as other people -- don't actually exist. You "came about" because I imagined you.
This thread, this forum, the internet, my computer is all just in my imagination and any further response will just pop up as I imagine them.
And don't ask where I came from, my body and physical existence is also just my imagination -- the real me (doing all this imagination) might be some pure-energy non-corporal existence or I could just be some simulation software, an experiment of some other entity.